Flexible Courses in Construction Economics & Management

Flexible Courses in Construction Economics & Management

The School of Construction Economics and Management at Wits University, in partnership with Wits Plus, offer various short courses which are credit-bearing towards BSc Honours degrees in Quantity Surveying and Construction Management.

Starting in 2022, the School offers credit-bearing courses towards it’s BSc Honours Degree in Construction Management, which is accredited by the South African Council for the Construction and Project Management Professions (SACPCMP), on a part-time basis.

This follows a successful model that has been introduced to enable The South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession (SACQSP) accredited Honours degree in Quantity Surveying. Since this model was introduced in 2016, more than 100 students have graduated after completing their degrees part-time.

This delivery model has been introduced to address an industry need where many graduates in the built environment sector – from Wits and other universities – who were unable to complete honours level study previously, or who undertook BTech qualifications, were finding it difficult to achieve professional registration with both the SACPCMP and SACQSP due to the lack of a level 8 HEQF qualification.

In order to make programmes accessible and affordable for part-time students who may have to travel to Wits from other centres, the courses are offered over weekends. These weekends are approximately four weeks apart with lectures taking place on Saturdays and Sundays. Students sit for the same exam and undertake the same assessments as the full-time students and in many cases the courses are taught by the same lecturing staff within the School.

Students who complete any of these short courses successfully receive a fully accredited Wits Certificate of Competence. By offering these courses as short courses, students can plan their studies taking factors such as work load, personal circumstances and affordability into consideration.

Prospective students need to have an undergraduate qualification in Construction Studies, Construction Management Studies or related field:

  • BSc degree plus two years’ relevant work experience post qualification, OR
  • BTech/Advanced Diploma plus three years’ relevant work experience post qualification

More details and an application form are available on the Wits Plus website – applications for selected courses close on 23 June.


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