Flexibility in the Workplace
I think people forget that change is inevitable. The workplace is ripe for change and they say if you are not changing you are not growing! In order to keep up with this change, the pace that often comes with change and the mental stress, you must be flexible.
Flexibility starts in the mind. You cannot be so rigid in your thought process. Saying things like, "We don't do things that way" is detrimental to all organizations. Being too process oriented or sometimes having too rigid of a routine can negatively affect change. Jobs change, roles change, processes change, life changes, everything changes!
We have all had challenges adapting to change at one time or another. Adapting to change is not always easy. Many of us are routine oriented. Change often means adapting to a new routine. Change means you may need to learn something new or think a new way. You may have to look at things differently when change happens.
My advice. Adapt as quickly as possible. Learn as quickly as possible. Embrace it as quickly as possible. Seek help from others if needed. Learn how to change (Google "changing your mindset") and read up on ways to change. If I can quote The Game Plan... "Learn it, Live it, Love it". Don't give up right away, do your best to change and be flexible. Otherwise, it might be time to move on.
Photo Credit: Emilee Redshaw (yes, my daughter). If I was only as flexible as her!