The Flexibility of Time and Space
Amit Sinha
Regional Director - Delivering World-Class Customer Service. Building High Performance Teams.
Being rigid is not a trait for businesses. Changing ones’ strategy based on the circumstances and having the ability to adapt is something we should consider as an ingredient for success. There was a time when punctuality and physical presence in a workplace were of importance everywhere. This is still true for some sections, like defense, banking, hospitals etc. Here, one must be in office and in time to be able to deliver.
As time progressed and businesses evolved the concept of having flexibility of time and space has become quite relevant and to some extent a requirement, at least in some sections, like IT, telecom, public sector, journalism etc. There are ample examples and research data that suggest that providing flexibility of time and space brings a lot of benefits, both for the employer and employee. If we look at the list of the best places to work, flexible work arrangement will be a feature that is very much there.
Here we explore some of the aspects of having flexibility, considering the benefits first.
Promoting work-life balance - In today’s hectic work we are constantly striving for it. Striking the right balance is a responsibility that is shared equally the between the employee and employer. By providing flexible work hours, finding that balance becomes easier. It empowers people to plan their schedule. Personally, I find it easier to make time for parent teacher meetings, doctor appointments etc. One must able to take a break when one wants. This in turn increases productivity.
Coverage time increases – Since everyone is not starting and ending their work at the same time, as in the 9 to 5 routine, there is a good possibility that in time of need we will find someone online before 9am or after 5pm. This is of a huge advantage for a global company. For an operation like ours where we cover multiple time zones within APAC, we voluntarily get coverage for more than 20 hours in a day, without the need for anyone to stretch their working hours.
Traffic woes – Having the option to work from home or to commute at non-peak hours is a big time-saver. If we spend an hour each way to/from office, we end up spending about 400+ hours on the road every year. Using some of this time to get some personal work done or to put this time gained back into work will lead to increased productivity. Not to mention, keeping the cars off the road helps the environment as well.
Time for self and family – We have a hobby, an appointment, a soccer game, gym time etc. that we need to schedule. If any of this falls during working hours we might have to take the day off or reschedule the activity to an unfriendly time and in some cases, cancel them. But if the workplace promotes flexible hours, both personal work and office work can be synchronized to get the best outcome without compromising the result.
The show goes on - Then there are situations when getting to the office is difficult. This could happen at any time because of mother nature, heavy traffic, road blocks and so on. Companies that can have employees set up to function from home see no impact on their revenue.
While there are numerous benefits there are some pitfall, though far less, we need to be careful of. If we are aware and mitigate these, we can minimize the effects.
One to one interactions – Due to lack of presence in office, face to face interaction would deplete. Having in person interaction carries more weight than through electronic media. It helps in building a better team. One way to overcome this would be to keep track of the fact that people have a 70-30 or 80-20 split between in office and home office time.
Ad hoc discussions - We have all encountered scenarios where spontaneous discussions have led to remarkable solutions. This is mostly possible when we have a group of people working together in one place. We can miss this opportunity when the better part of the team is working away from the office.
Unless the nature of work is a limitation, flexibility of time and place does yield a lot of benefits. Having the flexibility of place and time is something that every work place should promote in some form. This works well for both the employee and employer.
The points listed here are in no way exhaustive. There is more to it.
What are your views on this? Do you see more benefits or drawbacks? Share your thoughts..