Flexibility and Curiosity Matter
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Back in 2015, I experienced a stroke; it still teaches me. Indeed, in some ways, we are now experiencing a global stroke. What I found useful through mine 7 years ago now... were two strengths of Character.... and Purpose... and indeed, Accountability.
First, as someone who believes in Optimism and Endurance, I offer this TED talk on adaptability. Enter, the first strength of Character... Flexibility.
The global goals certainly require it. And, in connection with that TED talk, asking "what if" is important. Engaging conversation, dialogue and exchange is important. Considering the what if, practicing unlearning and exploring Curiosity....
... are important. That second strength of Character is Curiosity... a gentler form of passion, to explore.
These are not simply "soft skills". They are vital to figuring our way through the issues personally, locally and globally facing us. Whether exploring our education, careers or lives at school, work, business and community... Flexibility matters. And, Curiosity matters.
My invitation is to you ... that you read and reflect on the Virtues that they are. Read the cards above for both. Reflect on them. How do you already best practice them? Give yourself credit for that. How and where can you ever better do so? I constructively challenge ourselves thusly.
And, with that in mind and heart, I have created an online space on LinkedIn... for students, emerging leaders and such to connect, share, adapt and grow; humans together, strong. Feel free to join.
Peace, purpose and prosperity...