Flexibility of Change
Whatever we can name, sometimes well positioning to fix a team or society position will make us different than the others. In principle, there is a basis coordination which everybody and every thing can be compared to that (In mathematics we specify it by dimension [x,y,z,...] = [0,0,0,...]) and we will be identified or indicated in compare to this point, we call it basis. According to that, flexibility of changes can keep us more close to this basis even in high level can position us as basis depends on mentality, good karma and being concentrated and oriented.
In this case, taking the right distance from where we are or where we are willing to be, to see the ourselves in a community and relations ( no matter if we name it nature) would give us comfort. we need to remind ourselves that nothing is permanent or lasting in the world; everything is changing and momentary and unpredictable, and seems that we are so selfish & ignorant. We don't listen and look.