I receive many messages on social media from people who ask how to overcome a fear or an obstacle. It is clear that they want me to listen to their feelings of loss, isolation or inadequacy. I do not mind listening and I only give advice if they ask. When they ask for my opinion, I provide the reminder that they need to hear. That is, life changes constantly and you must adapt. Do not focus on how you are limited by changes, but rather how you can grow and improve from them.

As a woman in martial arts for more than thirty years, I learned that flexibility is an essential aspect of training. To do those nearly miraculous mile-high kicks, one must stretch and practice frequently. Just as flexibility of the body is important, flexibility and adaptability of the mind is critical, too. What happens if one day you suddenly experience a debilitating injury that prevents you from doing what you normally do? How do you cope? Everyone copes differently. Many martial artists, however, seem to manage challenges with grace, taking time to heal while pushing fear and negative mindset to the wayside. They know that nothing is impossible as long as they flex their minds as well as their bodies.

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Trained martial artists and black belts see obstacles as ruts from which they must escape, despite their difficulties. A martial art rut that I always have is jump kicks. Others seem to learn them easily and perform them well. I feel like I cannot rise high enough above the ground as if weighed down by a block of concrete. It is a rut for me. Sometimes it feels like a crater! I have to adapt to find success. I cannot let my weakness hold me back from being the best martial artist or person I can be. I choose to focus on practicing many other beautiful, powerful kicks that suit my abilities.

Simply, if you cannot do something, for whatever reason, replace it with something that you can do. ??

Flexibility in life means that you open your eyes to opportunity no matter your circumstances. It means that you do not give up and seek alternatives to reach your goals and dreams. Finally, it means that you blow the lid off the box into which you continually corner yourself and look beyond your limitations.

One difficult situation does not mean you cannot succeed. Rather, it means that success is waiting for you elsewhere. Use the martial art mindset. Do not let limitations hinder you. Instead, be flexible and create a new pathway to success.




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