The flesh has been the cause of tragic happenings of many celebrated personalities in the world since the Old Testament days.

From Eve, to Abraham to David and many more. What was good for food, pleasant to the eyes was the undoing of Eve, daughters of men who were fair were a slippery peel of banana for the sons of God.

A naked woman in the bathroom was the downfall of David, a man after God’s heart. “Many strange women”, would be the folly of the worlds most celebrated wise man; Solomon!

Lust for sex, would be the cause of rape and incest of Absalom, a respected prince.

In our days, the 21st century, those who have fallen in the ratings of their integrity because of the deeds, lusts, pleasures and sweetness derived from the flesh are countless. In Ghana, it is so glaring that names easily pop out of everyone’s head without verbally mentioning them.

Mighty men of God have not been spared this lethal Satanic weapon of “capitalizing on the flesh”

Many times, the question is whether the flesh of man itself is evil, whether there is a demon of lust and more.

This little piece, inspired by tutelage from my late father in the Spirit, Rev. Oliver DesBordes Acquah and my role models in Spiritual Warfare and Apologetics, Hall Lindsey and Ravi Zacharias respectively.

It is uncommon to see men attributing the cause of their actions to “The Devil”. This is to the extent of using it as a defense in the law courts! This is the issue I intend to settle next at the Central Defense. Read on and be informed!


Flesh (Sarx in original Greek) is used many times and in many ways in the New Testament.

Sometimes it is used to mean simply the matter or material that covers our bones, as is used in Luke 24:39. “See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; touch me and see; for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have”

Flesh is also used to represent the whole body, as you will see in Acts 2:26 “Therefore my heart was glad and my tongue exulted; moreover my flesh also will abide in hope”

Flesh is further used to mean the sense of our physical earthly limitations, as you will see in II Cor 10:3 – 4. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do no war after the flesh….”

As it applies to Spiritual Warfare, the Apostle Paul is probably the one who has most fully developed the issue. Drs. Arndt and Gingrich comment as following: “In Paul’s thought especially, the flesh is the willing instrument of sin and is subject to sin to such a degree that whatever flesh is, all forms of sin are likewise present, and no good thing can live in the flesh itself” (William Arndt and F. Wilbur Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959)

A careful study of the many passages on the “flesh” when used in this sense reveals the following facts according to Hal Lindsey.

  1. It is a basic nature or principle which operates within us from the time we are born physically. This nature is in rebellion against God. (Rom 7:14 – 24; 8:5 – 9)
  2. It is an inseparable part of our material own body and cannot be eradicated until we receive our transformed and glorified resurrected bodies (Rom 7:25; I Jn 1:8, 10)
  3. Though it cannot be eradicated, its power to operate in the life of the Christian has been neutralized by our being united with Christ in His death to sin.

(Satan is alive and well on planet earth by Hal Lindsey with C.C. Carlson, Page 68)

The flesh has no right to reign in any Christian’s life any longer, its power is broken once we yield to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Master of our lives and when we in recognizing this, count this as being true. (Rom 6:1 – 14)

It is the attitude of believing that God has already broken sin and the flesh’s power over us that sets the Spirit of God free to make victory a reality in our experience. (Rom 8:1 – 4). Anything short of this attitude more or less handcuffs the Spirit of God from making this sweet victory a reality.

The sad resultant effect is that, the Christian will question his or her own salvation and will most likely doubt his own place in Heaven.

Here is just a partial list of what flesh does in our lives when we don’t consider its power broken and depend on the Holy Spirit for success: “Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envyings, drunkenness, carousings, and things like these, of which I forewarn you just as I have forewarned you that those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” Gal 5:19 – 21)

Most of these words which are used for the deeds of the flesh need amplification. Briefly, here are some of the specifics:

Immorality: From the word “porneria” It means all sexual intercourse outside of marriage.

Impurity: Impure thoughts and actions, especially in the area of sex.

Sensuality: Living primarily to please the senses (out-of-control appetite for foods, music, sex, creature comforts, etc)

Idolatry: Anything that we place ahead of Christ as an object of our attention and devotion; This could be a girlfriend or a boyfriend, our children, a job, an education, a beautiful home, clothes, a sleek body, or a car.

Sorcery: From the word “pharmakia”; the practice of witchcraft and occultism sometimes in association with drugs.

Enmities: To be at odds with people; carrying grudges

Disputes: Modern man calls these “personality conflicts” but “selfishness” is more accurate.

Dissensions: Literally meaning division; causing conflicts and taking of sides between people.

Factions: Literally meaning heresies; leading astray with false doctrine and forming sects.

Envyings: Attitudes of dissatisfaction which cause you to desire what others have.

Drunkenness: Any loss of normal judgment and awareness through the use of alcohol or drugs. The idea of better living through chemicals instead of the Spirit of God

Carousings: Seeking to escape reality through excessive pursuit of entertainment.

These are only some of the deeds of the flesh, not all of them! When the apostle says that those who practice such things “shall not inherit the kingdom of God” he means that those who habitually indulge in them are evidencing the fact that they have never received the new nature which hates sin.

It is impossible for a Christian to regularly practice the deeds of the flesh without a change of heart before God. It is also impossible for a Christian to continually practice the deeds of the flesh and not be conscious of the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Because of the fact that the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us, we can’t continually be happy in sin. It is impossible! Sooner or later the Christian will acknowledge his sin and turn back to trusting Christ to deliver him from its power; and from the standpoint of his happiness, the sooner the better.

Continuous, unbroken toleration of the deeds of the flesh should cause a person to question whether he has really been born spiritually. A true Christian can and does experience these deeds of the flesh, but he will have a desire to be delivered from them for Christ’s sake, and this desire is born out of the uncomfortable stance the Holy Spirit will put him whenever he seems helpless over sin. He will want to be delivered from the consequences of this sin and the sin itself. A non-Christian just wants to be delivered from the consequences of sin and not out of the sin itself.

For example, a Christian who seems helpless over the sin of immorality will want to be delivered from the consequences of this sin and the sin itself, an unbeliever will want to continue to enjoy sex outside marriage and not want a pregnancy to result out of it, he will not want to get “caught”


Some well-meaning Christians today have a tendency to go overboard about demons. I want to be sure no one falls into the trap of attributing to demons what is actually the work of the flesh.

You may have heard people speak about the “lying demon”, the “lust demon”, the “envy demon”, “spirit of stoke” “spirit of cancer” and others. I do not believe that there are specific demons such as these who can only do one thing.

Consider a fellow who is constantly thinking about sex. He is consumed by lascivious thoughts every day. If he has heard of such things, he many begin to think, “maybe, I have a lust demon or a spirit of lust”.

He shares his thoughts with some of his Christian friends, and they have a lead him to some prophet for deliverance. They will “cast the demon out” and after the prayer meeting, they will sanctimoniously say, “We’ve cast out the lust demon. Praise the Lord”.

Our Christian friend, thus assured by his own feelings and the pronouncements of this man of God, takes his wife to a restaurant, conceited and arrogant about his victory. Sees a curvaceous waitress in a mini-skirt who comes to the table, and in a flash the old demon is back.

The danger in this concept is that a deed which is actually a part of the flesh or the old sin nature is attributed to a demon. It is vital that we assign thing to their proper cause. There is no “lust demon” per se. Lust is a sin which comes from the flesh. But there are demons who will use the lust of flesh to guide us into moral disaster. Satan can take a natural drive and use it, but he is not the originator of it. He capitalizes on something which is already going on in our hearts.

Along with many other doctrines which become distorted in popular usage, the theme of Satan probably has more false clichés attributed to it than any other.

“The Devil made me do it” is a cop-out.”

When Satan takes the desire which you have and uses it for his purposes, he doesn’t force you. If you really express the truth when overtaken by a sin of the flesh, you would say, “I did it because I chose to follow the desire of my old nature”. Now that is not as easy to say as “The Devil made me to it”, but it is more honest.


Mark Chapter 7 gives a good description of the flesh. Jesus had told the disciples a parable, and they questioned Him about it. We can almost see Him shaking His head when He said, “Are you so uncomprehending?” Then He explained: “That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts and fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man” Mark 7:20 – 23

Jesus is talking abou the flesh, the source of this sinful nature. He shows that our major problem is not our environment but our inner nature of the flesh.

It’s not a sin to have an evil thought flash into the mind; it is only a sin when we fail to say “no” to it and do not rely upon Christ to put it down. Temptation and sin are different. The old saying applies, “You can’t stop a bird from landing on your head, but you can stop it from building a nest in your hair”

When the Bible speaks of the temptations of the flesh, it is always in terms of a continued need to overcome them. It is a matter of moment-by-moment reliance upon the Holy Spirit by deliberate choice to overcome the lusts of the flesh. Victory is never achieved by freedom from temptation, but by overcoming temptation through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Galatians 5:16 says: “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh”

To walk in the Spirit means to have a continuing attitude of reliance upon the Holy Spirit and not on your own human resources. Note: it does not say that if you walk in the Spirit you will not have temptations; it does say that you will not fulfill them. The Spirit-controlled believer will be tempted, but it is not sin until you stop trusting the Spirit to fight it.

The Bible talks about overcoming the flesh, or going to battle with it in dependence upon the Holy Spirit who lives in every believer. However, as the Bible speaks of “the world” it talks of claiming victory which has already been won.

Christ has won a victory over the world and Christians are to claim that victory. This is amplified in the weapons of our warfare scripture in Ephesians chapter 6.

The world and its system is one thing Satan has mastered and is one deadly weapon achieving great strides for him. I will touch on this in my next piece.     

Jemima Opare-Henaku

Media Production Professional

9 年

Great read Sylvanus; very revealing. Keep them coming.


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