Flea Control Canberra – How to get rid of Fleas
Jenny Jordan
A1 Pest Control Canberra experts in General Pest Control, Termite Inspection, Termite Barriers, Thermal Imaging.
There are over 70-80 species of fleas in Australia, the cat flea & the dog flea being the most common. They are black or sometimes brown in colour and about 1-6mm in length. Cat fleas are much more common, which are found upon dogs and cats.
Grass Fleas and Sand Fleas
Fact or fiction – one of the little known facts is that there are “sand fleas” and “grass fleas”. All fleas live off hosts, and could not survive just living in grass or sand without a host. The real fact is that culprits are cat fleas lying in these places after their pet has shaken off onto the ground.
One of the best ways to get rid of fleas is to regularly wash your pets in a safe, residual flea shampoo. Regular house cleaning that includes vacuuming flea-infested areas helps, but in most cases of heavy infestations, you will need to call on the services of a professional pest controller.
When these type of nasty, itching pests are a problem for you, please call us without delay on 0407 065 413, or email [email protected] for a free quote and advice about fleas and Pest Control in Canberra area.
Facts about Fleas: Fleas are jumping insects without any wings. They have flattened body, with hooks on their hairy legs so that they can slip through and grip onto their human and animal hosts. Their powerful hind legs have resilin, which is like rubber in their joints.
All they have to do to get around is compress these legs and quickly release them. Using this method, they can jump up to 20cms and up to 35cm horizontally. This amazing feat is jumping well over 150 times their body length!? A person with the same jumping power could jump on top of Ayres Rock!
Fleas are jumping insects without any wings. They have flattened body, with hooks on their hairy legs so that they can slip through and grip onto their human and animal hosts. Their powerful hind legs have resilin, which is like rubber in their joints.
All they have to do to get around is compress these legs and quickly release them. Using this method, they can jump up to 20cms and up to 35cm horizontally. This amazing feat is jumping well over 150 times their body length!? A person with the same jumping power could jump on top of Ayres Rock!
Life Cycle of Fleas: Female fleas may lay up to around 25 eggs daily, and have over 800 offspring in a lifetime. Their eggs will hatch between 5-14 days and then becoming larvae. The larvae are blind and also leg-less. They feed upon dried blood from the host and other organic matter such as dried skin. After another two to three weeks, the larvae will be fully grown, and will then become pupae.
Going away on holidays?? If you left with just a few fleas now they have had time to multiply and are happy that you are home as they are hungry!
They know you are home as even vibrations or even heat is sensed, the pupa will emerge as an adult and begin biting and feeding off the host. This may take from two or three weeks or in rare cases over a year. This is why after you return from holidays and enter your home, you are suddenly bitten by large amounts of fleas.
Flea Control: Flea Guarantee
If you follow all of our directions over the phone, and of those given to you onsite by our technician, we may offer you a rock solid guarantee of satisfaction and relief from your current pest problem. Please inquire about this offer at any time by calling us on 0407 065 413, or email [email protected]
Shampooing your pet with a safe, residual insecticide firstly controls fleas. Safe insecticide recommendations from your vet may be the use of pyrethrin, though it only lasts for 24 hours.
Our shampoo recommendations have Permethrin; in principle, referred to as synthetic pyrethroid. There will last a lot longer and aren’t as dangerous and smelly as are other Organo-phosphates such as Diazinon and Maldison.
A pointer of note: Look at the active ingredients section at the front of the bottle or can. Keep to the guidelines and instructions of how to use a flea pest control product.
Further we recommend that you shampoo your pets every 2 weeks in the summertime and about every month in winter.
Preparing your home for flea treatment On the day of treatment, these things should be done before we get there:
Remove all children & pets from the areas about to be sprayed.
We cannot spray long grass, as it will not get to the ground area that needs to be treated. Mow lawns and hose dry areas to get the eggs to the surface.?This helps to the insecticide from vaporizing quickly.
An Insect Growth Regulator or I.G.R. may also be used in tablets, which are added to your pet’s food. You can get I.G.R.s from your vet. A common trade names are called Program or Pro-ban.? After our treatment your pet should be washed again as soon as possible after the treatment with shampoo or a residual flea powder.
If you use these simple methods, you will get your pet and home flea-free within just a few days in minor infestations, to about one month in more severe cases.