Flawless Family Trust Smart System?  Fighting & Frivolity Revisited… (Part 1 of 3)

Flawless Family Trust Smart System? Fighting & Frivolity Revisited… (Part 1 of 3)

[WARNING: The following material derives from 100% all-natural, real intelligence. No artificial ingredients.]

The purpose behind me creating Your 3-Hour “LAW DEGREE” was to thoroughly survey the landscape of WHY I do things the way that I do when I engineer Structures to provide you with the fail-proof Financial Security that creates & grows Generational Wealth… so you can have confident, permanent Peace of Mind.? Since I don’t help people become the next youtube prophet (however defined), “live your best life” (however defined), or find your “soul mate” (however defined), there’s not the “sizzle” that creates the cravings spawned by ambitious hope to optimize your entire existence (however defined) just three weeks hence.? Though not sizzle, this is the actual steak – far more substantive, guaranteed achievable, and altogether outcome determinative.? Now, I can’t help optimize the entirety of your existence, but I can optimize the Three Pillars of (Life) Planning: Estate Planning, Asset Protection, and Tax Mitigation… and do so against a Multi-Generational backdrop.? While that sounds better than not, at first blush, admittedly it calls for some embellishment.

Accordingly, I created Your 3-Hour “LAW DEGREE” sober about the fact that I’m providing what you need, and not necessarily what you want (steak v. sizzle).? Of course, you may not even realize you need it… or have even had sufficient cause for pause in your own life to even thoughtfully reflect on the foundational topics germane to the discussion.? Moreover, you’re not even aware the Flawless Family Trust Smart System is even an option (to solve the problems you don’t even fully understand yet). ?Thus, people get “Me” instead of “We” trusts.? They also end up with trusts and they literally cannot even tell me if it is revocable of irrevocable!? I wish I was exaggerating.? I’m not.? Yet, if I can help you realize that you do need it… and WHY… well, then any right-thinking individual would, in turn, want it.? See how that works?? That said, it’s a circuitous path with a longer incubation period than the exuberance and neurochemical cocktail produced upon purchasing the path to your greater self (however defined).? Nevertheless, we lay foundation and begin building.

Your 3-Hour “LAW DEGREE” contains three Tracks: 1.) Information, 2.) Implementation, and 3.) Imagination.? In the Information Track, I highlight the Three Pillars we optimize (Estate Planning, Asset Protection, and Tax Mitigation) and share the “#1 Rule” for each of those.? If you don’t know the objective for each Pillar, you have no standard of measurement.? By contrast, armed with this information, you can evaluate anything you do as either optimizing - or compromising - the given Pillar by assessing whether it reinforces or militates against the #1 Rule.? Though it may seem counterintuitive, Track 1 (Information) is the shortest of the video teachings.? It doesn’t take much to delineate the Rule, the Reason for that Rule, and the Risk of flouting the Rule.? Despite its relative brevity, Track 1 becomes the “litmus” test for all we do.? These days, lots of people seem to engage in this madness of deploying methods devoid of any plan, path, or purpose.? Methods, in a vacuum, are seldom done with “big picture” specific intent and thus they miss the opportunity to yield a contributory impact on your greater goals (assuming you even have any).

Speaking of methods, Track 2 of Your 3-Hour “LAW DEGREE” is Implementation, and it’s the second shortest (also the second longest) of the teaching videos.? Here is where I cover specific, non-optional strategies (methods) we deploy in the Flawless Family Trust Smart System. ?Far from mere methods in isolation (just to say we did), lacking a framework of integrated intention, these super-sophisticated strategies are designed not only to work together in cohesive synchrony, but also to “back-feed” to serve and reinforce our commitment to the #1 Rules already declared as paramount in Track 1.? If the “methods” we deploy don’t bolster our obedience to the #1 Rules, then what in the world are we doing?? Yet, just as people these days happily make claims in a vacuum (devoid of facts, data points, and/or other evidence to substantiate their conclusions), they are all too willing to also do (not just say) things in a vacuum (mindless methods) without reference to the “barometer” of criteria (#1 Rules) against which to measure their validity and gauge their efficacy.

Track 3, Imagination, may be the most important… and that teaching video is certainly the longest.? By this point, I’ve not only shared the Three #1 Rules (one for each of the Three Pillars), but also substantiated those by sharing the Reasons and Risks associated with the Rules (or your defiance thereof).? Additionally, I’ve then revealed Three Strategies and defended those by sharing how they fortify the #1 Rules.? Thus, I next cover Three Concerns people typically have that can immobilize them and thwart Three Pillar optimization – if the concerns are not overcome (for they’ll never implement the Rule-consistent Strategies, owning to their inertia).? The good news is, for the intellectually honest, the Three Advanced Strategies not only (of necessity) force deference to the #1 Rules, but also automatically obviate the three fears people often have when they contemplate getting their “affairs in order.”? Indeed, just a bit of education and the fear of losing control over your stuff vanishes – especially since you actually retain operational control over, well, just about anything you want.? Likewise, the fear of making mistakes slips away when you comprehend how we account for everything and provide wide latitude of flexibility.? Finally, the fear of future family feuds and frivolous financial resource waste fall by the wayside because, well, these are all foreseeable and foreclosable. ?

What about current family feuds, however?? Hold that thought.

I emphasize “intellectually honest” not only because anyone can disingenuously lean on anything as an excuse to blame others and not take personal responsibility, but also because integrity of rational thought is at the heart this present writing.

Next time, I’ll dive into the topic of current family feuds and reveal some cognitive craziness that could be the most important thing you ever read from me.? Verily, if you find yourself snagged by the inanity of what I’m going to share… nothing else may matter.? THAT – the unchecked incoherence of reactionary emotionally-driven illogic – may be THE outcome determinative factor for your future (and forecast for your Family Destiny).

For now, I recommend you get my “Fighting & Frivolity” CheatSheet.? Though the present subject is current combat my Flawless Family Trust Smart System isn’t designed to Trump… it may be worthwhile to see all of the drama my Solution can abrogate, for those who can get past themselves – or their spouse – and “birth” it to the benefit & blessing of their family.?

In fact, grab the complete set of 9 CheatSheets and I’ll give you the Curriculum RoadMap (and 9-Course CheckList) for Your 3-Hour “LAW DEGREE” too:


your if you want it.  click to get.


J. Scott Talbert, JD, BA, PhD (ABD), BA ~ Trusts and LLCs的更多文章
