Flawless Family Trust Smart System? Fighting & Frivolity Revisited… (Part 2 of 3)
J. Scott Talbert, JD, BA, PhD (ABD), BA ~ Trusts and LLCs
Failproof Financial Security Spawning Generational Wealth for Confident Peace of Mind (Tax-Advantaged Estate/Business Planning & Asset Protection 17+ Generations Deep) 1-Trust-Smart (1-878-787-6278)
[WARNING: The following material derives from 100% all-natural, real intelligence. No artificial ingredients.]
In Part 1, I backed way up and shared an overview of the Curriculum RoadMap for Your 3-Hour “LAW DEGREE.” ?I emphasized that my audience is not only not “solution aware,” but they are also generally not very fully “problem aware.”? Accordingly, I cannot jump straight into HOW to achieve my WHAT.? I have to begin by explaining WHY it’s all magnificently important to begin with.? With three Tracks of Teaching Videos, I thoroughly cover that WHY by exploring vital Information (#1 Rules for the 3 Pillars), avant-garde Implementation (mission-critical advanced Strategies), and how your Imagination can get the best of you (your unfounded fears can beat you into apathetic submission and languishing lethargy).? I then hinted that, even if you conquer your concerns so they do not get the best of you… well, your spouse may yet get the best of you!
This isn’t fun to discuss, but it’s best to throw the spotlights and microscope at it and reveal it for what it is.? For some of you, a viciously honest exploration of this relationship dynamic may be your only hope.? Now, in furtherance of trying to help people known to me, I put together a “Friends and Family Future Legacy Leaver Small Group Cohort” in the Fall of 2024.? We’re not even going to do anything but briefly mention that the vast mass of folks never even showed up!? These people weren’t cold contacts receiving my desperate outreach.? These were folks who’d shown an interest and, now, were going to have to cash the curiosity checks their mouths had written.? They bounced.? Seriously, that story about Jesus in his hometown came to mind.? Moving on, the next stupefying happening was when a long-time friend dropped out!? He’d survived the Cohort with a passion and - with zeal - even joined the few of us in what followed: The LegacyMax Blueprint 9-Step Activation Challenge.? Again, things were about to get really real.? Long story short, his wife basically said “No!”? To preserve mind and body from the apparently insufferable conflict, he capitulated.
This is fascinating on many levels.? It’s fascinating that it would, or even could, possibly be that simple.? She just summarily exercised ultimate – ignorant – veto power, stopping her husband from acting.? Acting how?? Well, that’s the thing - it’s fascinating what she said “No!” to.? This wasn’t a mid-life crisis that involved a $30,000 Harley, quitting his job, and riding around the country aimlessly.? This wasn’t Vegas with hookers, strip clubs, cocaine, and gambling.? This was Financial Security for the family… literally for longer than America’s been a nation.? This was fully-optimized Life Pillars (Estate Planning, Asset Protection, and Tax Mitigation), and the seeds of Generational Wealth, against a Multi-Generational backdrop. ?“No!,” she said.
Speaking of what she said “No!” to, it’s also REALLY fascinating because she doesn’t even know WHAT she’s saying “No!” to!? She has no clue what she's rejected! I’ve literally never, ever spoken with her on the topic.? She never even passively attended a single video call – or even part of one.? She never asked the first question via any forum.? Nothing.? Now, someone who renders a verdict in complete and total absence of awareness is unlikely to suddenly snap back to rational cogitation when confronted with the absurdity of their clearly emotional decision.? That said, I do at times fantasize about what an exchange with her would look like… probably unfolding something like this:
Her: “Yeah, well, we’re just not gonna do that.”
Me: “What?”
Her: “What what?”
Me: “What aren’t you going to do?”
Her: “Your thing.”
Me: “What’s my thing?”
Her: “You know, that trust thing.”
Me: “What would it accomplish for you and your family if you did?”
Her: “I’m not gonna get into it.”
Me: “Well, what don’t you like about it?”
Her: “I don't want to waste your time.”
Me: “I have all the time in the world – which Pillar did you want compromised, rather than optimized: Estate Planning, Asset Protection, or Tax Mitigation?”
Her: “I’m not going to play this game with you.”
Me: “This is definitely NOT a game.? You don’t have to talk about it, but you do have to live with it.? Right now, the government welfare scheme IS your 'estate plan,' and you have zero Asset Protection or Tax Mitigation.? Oh, and that’s all uni-generational – and handled in probate court by your children – nothing sovereign, private, or Multi-Generational about it. Sub-mediocrity awaits you and your loved ones... unless you affirmatively, proactively 'opt out' of this default.”
Her: “I said ‘NO!’”
Me: “If it was free, would you want it?”
Her: (mind melt… blown gasket…)
Let’s quickly jump off-topic for a less emotive analogy.? Assume something happened to one of your Children and you’d been at the ICU with them for two days now.? Your spouse, who’s been out of town, is now on their way to the hospital – right as a critical care decision needs to be made.? You weigh everything you’ve personally observed the last couple of days.? You reflect on everything you witnessed the doctors do and discuss.? You “do your own research.”? You listen carefully to the doctors’ recommendation.? Having put forth the effort to get educated, you reach an informed decision on this matter of great gravity.? Just then, your spouse arrives.? You communicate that time is of the essence and you’ve decided the course of action to take - having carefully considered the matter and thoughtfully engaging all of the information available to you.? Your spouse then, out of left field and without the slightest semblance of knowledge on the topic at hand, says “No!”? If that objection-in-a-vacuum makes any sense to you, you likely qualify to be an ignorant, thwarting spouse... as there's a good chance you could remain comfortable in your own skin upon doing something so weird.? By contrast, if you nearly had an out of body experience when reading and contemplating that... well, you can likely empathize with where my friend found himself.
Next time, I’ll share some parting thoughts in the hopes that the current fighting that precludes the future fight-preventing Flawless Family Trust Smart System from going operational isn’t, ironically, a forecast for later family feuds your own present-day conflict is seeding… and modeling for loved ones.?
For now, I recommend you get my “Fighting & Frivolity” CheatSheet.? Though the present subject is current combat my Flawless Family Trust Smart System isn’t designed to Trump… it may be worthwhile to see all of the drama my Solution can abrogate, for those who can get past themselves – or their spouse – and “birth” it to the benefit & blessing of their family.?
In fact, grab the complete set of 9 CheatSheets and I’ll give you the Curriculum RoadMap (and 9-Course CheckList) for Your 3-Hour “LAW DEGREE” too: