Flaw in Education System ─ I

Flaw in Education System ─ I

One of the greatest flaws of our education system, which has gone largely unnoticed, is briefly explained below.

We assume that the medium of instruction is English (although the situation is very similar, no matter what the medium of instruction is).

In an English-medium based curriculum, the textbooks on Science, Math, History, etc. are written in English. The tragic part is that the level of English (in terms of vocabulary and construct) are more complex in History, Geography, Science, Math and Computer textbooks than in the English textbook itself. Although the vocabulary is graded when teaching English as a language, yet both the words and the sentence constructs in other subject-textbooks are very complex and often beyond the difficulty level appropriate for the age group.

Consider a primary level class (age group 6 to 9). We give below hypothetical examples that match the realities in case of most textbooks.

ENGLISH: Once upon a time there lived a monkey on a tree on the bank of a big river.

SCIENCE: Water vapour may be defined as that form of water where small particles of water (called molecules in science) are separated by large distances, and the force of attraction between the particles or molecules is negligible.

HISTORY: Babur, born Zahīr ud-Dīn Muhammad, was the eldest son of Umar Sheikh Mirza, and became the founder and first Emperor of Moghul dynasty. He was a direct descendant of Emperor Timur the Great ....

GEOGRAPHY: A valley or a dale is a low area of depression between hills or mountains that is longer than it is wide, often with a river running through it.

COMPUTER: The vast world of computer network has brought the world so close to us that we can dispatch a message or effect a monetary transaction in seconds at the click of a mouse!

See that both in terms of vocabulary as well as in terms of complexity of sentence constructs (including the use of ornamental flourish) the difficulty level of the language used in other subjects is 10X times (if not more) compared with what the child learns in English language class. And if the teacher has to explain the complex phraseology, it is a painful process because of the following reasons:

(i) The teacher wastes time in explaining English instead of History or Geography or Science.

(ii) By the time the child has grasped the conundrum of the language he has lost interest in the subject.

(iii) The teacher is attempting to explain both the language and the subject, thus sacrificing the golden rule of teaching called one-concept-at-a-time.

(iv) The subject goes beyond the grasp of the child’s maturity level, who is forced to memorize a meaningless string of words; and it is almost impossible for him to reproduce the content verbatim in the exam without gross errors.

(v) In conclusion, the child learns neither the subject nor English, and the entire strain on him multiplies when he scores poor grades.

Perhaps teachers can alleviate the misery of the child to a little extent. Long sentences must be broken into smaller ones. Difficult words must either be replaced with easy ones or (if possible) avoided altogether. Let us try to rephrase the sentences in the above examples:

(A) SCIENCE: Water vapour may be defined as that form of water where small particles of water (called molecules in science) are separated by large distances, and the force of attraction between the particles or molecules is negligible. 

Rephrase: When water becomes a gas and cannot be seen, it is called vapour.

(B) HISTORY: Babur, born Zahīr ud-Dīn Muhammad, was the eldest son of Umar Sheikh Mirza, and became the founder and first Emperor of Moghul dynasty. He was a direct descendant of Emperor Timur the Great ....

Rephrase: Babur was the first in the Moghul line of kings. He was the eldest (or the first) son of … and a relative of Timur.

(C) GEOGRAPHY: A valley or a dale is a low area of depression between hills or mountains that is longer than it is wide, often with a river running through it.

Rephrase:A valley is a long, low area between two hills or mountains. In many cases, a river flows through the valley.

(D) COMPUTER: The vast world of computer network has brought the world so close to us that we can dispatch a message or effect a monetary transaction in seconds at the click of a mouse!

Rephrase: Using a computer we can send money or letters very fast anywhere in the world.

LAST WORD: One sad commentary on almost every school today in India:

Books are prescribed not to help the child learn a subject, but to help the management earn a commission.




