Andrej Jaro?
art historian / gallerist / curator of Flatgallery and Gallery of The National Bank of Slovakia
Flatgallery Vás pozyva v utorok 17.9. 2019 o 19:00 na vernisá? autorskej vystavy /
Flatgallery would like to invite you to the exhibition opening on 17th September 2019 at 7 pm
Kurátor / Curated by Andrej Jaro?
Vernisá? / Opening: 17.9. 2019, 19:00 / 7 pm
Vystava / Exhibition lasts: 18.9. - 31.10. 2019
Miesto / Venue: Flatgallery, Ba?tová 1, Bratislava, SR
Te?íme sa na Va?u ú?as? / Looking forward to your visit
Finan?ne podporené z dotácie Ars Bratislavensis a participatívneho rozpo?tu BSK
Financially supported by a subsidy from Ars Bratislavensis
and a specific budget of the Bratislava Self-governing Region.
Partner projektu / Partner of the project: ?eské centrum Bratislava