I’ve been riding the same trail system in Alabama for a couple years now. My normal routine takes me 30 miles along a beautiful path fairly deep into a park system that is not accessible by roads or cars. I’m used to that.
On my recent ride, the first portion was beautiful as always. I was about halfway through when I saw a trail called “Rattlesnake Ridge” which I had never ridden. For some reason, on this day, I felt a nudge to try something new. I took a left turn onto Rattlesnake Ridge not knowing where the end was, excited to try something new. I figured I could always turn around and get back to familiar ground if things got scary.
Two miles into this trail, I noticed my front tire was losing air pressure. The more I peddled, the flatter the tire became. I started to calculate my options. At this point, I would have to walk the bike back 20 miles or so to the trailhead to call for help.
As I kept peddling, feeling sorry for myself, and contemplating my options, Rattlesnake Ridge came to a surprise ending and I was shocked and relieved to see a trailhead entrance I had not seen before. Furthermore, it emptied out onto one of the major roads in town. Suddenly, I was no longer out in the boonies, I was in civilization. I called my wife, she brought the truck, picked me up, and we were on our way.
What can be learned from this?
Had I stayed on the comfortable trail, this story would have ended differently. It would have taken me hours of walking to get back to an accessible place where someone could pick me up.
For some reason, Rattlesnake Ridge summoned me to try something different. I felt a nudge. I followed the nudge. I took a risk. That simple risk paid off big time.
Sometimes comfortable is good.
Sometimes it is not.
Sometimes predictable is good.
Sometimes it is not.
Sometimes security is good.
Sometimes it is not.
In my own life, I’ve seen the Lord take me down a bumpy road to protect me from something much worse. I’ve seen Him take me out of comfortable and predictable to stretch me. I’ve seen Him put me in positions of insecurity to ultimately lead me to something better. In all of the stretching, we grow. As we grow, we become stronger.
I’m thankful for His nudges. I’m thankful He stretches me.
I’m thankful for the flat tire.