Flashy Tech doesn’t sell! You heard me!
Andy Hamer
Highly Successful Business Builder Delivering Sustainable & Profitable Revenues
Look, I'm not about to become the sweetheart of the B2B tech market, but let's cut through the crap let’s get down to brass tacks, let’s talk turkey and let’s talk plainly.
Your tech, no matter how advanced, innovative, or flashy it might be, means absolutely zilch to your customers. This isn't rocket science – I figured it out ages ago, and yet businesses keep kidding themselves that their shiny new tech is what customers crave. It's not. It's high time we get our heads out of the clouds or our …...
Your customers aren't interested in the bells and whistles of your technology. They really couldn't care less. They're looking for practical, concrete benefits.
They don’t care if it's low code, has AI or it's in the cloud!
Does your product solve a problem they have? Can it make their operations more efficient? Can it save them money and increase their margins? Can it improve the quality of their output and enhance customer satisfaction?
And for the love of all things holy, can it do all this without burning a hole in its pocket, or at least make the return on investment worthwhile?
This is what matters. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors.
In the ever-evolving business landscape, one constant remains – the customer is king. This old-age adage echoes loudly and clearly in every corner of the business world, from small mom-and-pop shops to giant multinational corporations. The customer-focused mindset becomes increasingly important in the B2B (business-to-business) tech startup sector, where the primary driver of success hinges on identifying and meeting customer needs.
Understanding the “Customer is King” Concept
"Customer is King" is a time-honoured business philosophy that underscores the significance of customer satisfaction in determining business success. The concept revolves around the idea that businesses exist primarily to serve customers. If a business fails to meet its customers' needs, it might struggle to sell its products or services, leading to diminished value or potential failure.
In the context of B2B tech startups, this means that your innovative technologies, applications, or services must cater to the specific needs of your business customers. These can range from improving operational efficiency to addressing specific industry-related issues.
Why is “Customer is King” More Critical for B2B Tech Startups?
Implementing the “Customer is King” Philosophy in B2B Tech Startups
For B2B tech startups, the "Customer is King" philosophy is not just a concept, but a pathway to success. By putting the customer at the centre of your business model, you foster an environment that encourages innovation, cultivates loyalty, and drives business growth. It is through this profound understanding and anticipation of customer needs that startups can truly create and deliver value.
Andy Hamer is an accomplished sales and management professional with over ten years of global experience in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Owner sectors. Throughout his 40-year career, he has held senior positions at prominent companies such as Codebook, Xinaps, Invicara, Bentley, XYZ Reality, and Archdesk. Andy holds a BA (Hons) in Marketing Engineering and is a certified BIM Information Manager. He has authored a book on structured data management in BIM He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (FCIM).
Great point, Andy! It's crucial to remember that customers are looking for solutions to their problems, not just flashy technology.