Flashback on my participation at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund General Assemblies.
Flashback on my participation at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund General Assemblies

Flashback on my participation at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund General Assemblies.

The world faces significant economic, social, environmental and even cultural changes. More than ever before, we must increase our resilience to such changes.

This environment of change is further exacerbated since 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and then the current world economic crisis caused by the war in Ukraine.

Achieving the most effective solutions to these issues requires of us efforts to adopt adequate instruments and strategies for multilateral and bilateral cooperation.?

The Head of State has personally been leading these efforts to successfully transform challenges into opportunities, thereby attracting the resources needed to maintain the current development dynamics. He advocates not only for initiatives to achieving peace and security in our nation and region but also for ensuring economic and financial stability in our regional economic zone.

The Head of State is deeply convinced that mobilizing internal resources remains one of the safest tools to achieving these goals. He also recognises the pivotal role of the private sector in driving the country's development policy. This is why a wide range of far-reaching reforms have been introduced, including the establishment of a dedicated framework of partnership with this target group.

Furthermore, efforts are underway to strengthen economic diplomacy through a new win-win approach to cooperation with our international financial partners and institutions.

The President of Republic, His Excellency Mister Faure Gnassingbé, wishes to reiterate his firm commitment to this approach. He also wishes to express his profound gratitude to the World Bank for honouring him as a special guest to attend the annual meetings of the 世界银行 and the International Monetary Fund .?He further wishes to sincerely commend the World Bank for the successful organization of these meetings.

In my capacity as the World Bank Governor, I am personally honoured to be part of this mission with a proven track record of success.

Additionally, thanks to the President’s dynamic negotiations,?Togo is now involved in the preparation phase of various programs and projects in the fields of economy, agriculture, women empowerment, health, investment, infrastructure and education.

Let me also draw your kind attention to the President of the Republic’s speech on "Food Safety and fertilizer shortage" which focused on the launching by the World Bank of the seventh call for proposal to help?increase investment in the Togolese economy?in general, and in particular in agriculture due to the recurrent climate change impacts, the health and economic crises, all feeding into the same problem - "the food crisis".

We must take Urgent actions now!

We must take action to mitigate the impacts of the food crisis while supporting the development goals set by our country.

We must strengthen the resilience of our economy against future crises.?Allow me to take this opportunity to thank not only the World Bank Group but also all our partners for their continued support to this program and to the Global Program for Agriculture and Food Security (PMASA).

Our country Togo is firmly committed to achieving development and more importantly to building a resilient economy. We believe that together we shall best meet this challenge.?

#WorldBank #InternationalMonetaryFund IFC - International Finance Corporation

