Flash Forward to Make Every Bit of Data Faster, Greener, and More Durable

Flash Forward to Make Every Bit of Data Faster, Greener, and More Durable


Artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and high-performance computing have shifted the digital landscape in many ways, particularly in the area of data growth and storage. As we rely more on technology, the surge in the volume of data presents new challenges in existing infrastructures. According to Gartner, AI-related data will account for 63% of all data by 2030, posing a higher requirement on the ability of automatic data scheduling and governance.

This is why having enough storage is critical for business success in this landscape. To help businesses address their storage challenges, Huawei’s Flash Forward action plan–with different product categories under the Huawei F2F2X (Flash-to-Flash-to-Anything) storage acceleration solution–helps enterprises address their data challenges as below:

  1. Flash Forward to Core Business and Business Critical

For Core Business like database, Dense VMs, Diverse and massive files, Huawei has OceanStor Dorado All-Flash Storage which can achieve Up to 40 million IOPS and 0.05 ms ultra-low latency, provides the industry-unique NAS active-active solution that enables two data centers to work at the same time, and small file read/write performance. It is marked first on the recommendations list by the Data Center Intelligence Group (DCIG).

For Business critical like container, file sharing, backup and archiving, Huawei OceanStor 5310/5510 Capacity Flash Storage systems provide up to 1,024 PiB effective capacity with multiple data reduction technologies. The systems use multiple deduplication technologies for similar data to achieve a better data reduction ratio compared to its competitors, accelerating efficiency improvement, making critical data faster, greener, and more durable.


2. Flash Forward to Central AI

AI promotes data awakening, The quantity and quality of data determine how far AI can go. Huawei also launched next-Gen AI ?storage OceanStor A800, which is a powerful addition to Huawei OceanStor A series storage models. Tailored for AI applications, OceanStor A800 can increase AI cluster utilization by 30%, and as for performance, it delivers high bandwidth and IOPS, which are four and eight times better than its peer vendor’s.

3. Flash Forward to Cloud & Internet AI

Cloud, Internet, and AI computing data centers, that rely on servers and open-source distributed software are growing bigger to handling the explosive growth of data volumes. At the same time, they keep seeking cost efficiency. OceanDisk smart disk enclosure is the industry’s first storage product designed for a diskless architecture. It reconstructs coupled storage-compute data centers such as AI computing centers, and flexibly expanded on demand, improving storage efficiency and saving 70% cabinet space and power consumption.

4. Flash Forward to Unstructured Data

No matter how the data will be processed, the first problem we face is how to store massive data under the constraints of limited space and power consumption. For storage, SSDs are the natural choice to solve this conflict. Huawei scale-out storage has also made continuous efforts in green all-flash and launched the OceanStor Pacific 9920 all-flash scale-out storage. This device can house 36 disk slots with 61.44 TB Palm disk in 2U size, supporting a 2:1 compression ratio, which can double the available capacity of the device, and the capacity density reaches 2 PB/U. Finally, the most fundamental performance assurance is to use the unique direct TCP offload engine (DTOE) network protocol to accelerate the data transmission rate, and the ServerNuma technology to improve the CPU execution efficiency, achieving a single node bandwidth of 90 GB/s.?

5. Flash Forward to Data Protection

When it comes to data protection, backup is a topic that’s unavoidable. Huawei is the first vendor to release all-flash backup products. A dedicated backup storage product, OceanProtect Data Protection features fast backup, fast recovery, and low resource consumption. It provides three times the industry average backup bandwidth and five times the industry average recovery bandwidth.

6. Flash Forward to SMB

The SMB industry calls for cost-effective primary storage, highly reliable and high-performance backup, and an intelligent platform that can proactively prevent risks and provide efficient delivery and O&M capabilities. Huawei’s rich product portfolio for the SMB market covers various data scenarios and capacity ranges. Provide customers with efficient, simplified, secure, and convenient end-to-end products and solutions, bringing all flash to all scenarios.

7. Data management for Flash Forward

To be AI-ready , enterprises must get data-ready. Huawei’s Data Management Engine , an intelligent data lifecycle management platform, enables file retrieval within seconds from hundreds of billions of files, achieving comprehensive and efficient data management. This helps businesses stay organized and allows easier access to data for analytics.

The All-flash Data Center Is Imminent


The replacement of hard disk drives (HDDs) with solid-state drives (SSDs) was the most significant and impactful technological innovation in the data storage industry over the past 10 years. Gartner’s data shows that in 2022, the number of SSD shipments worldwide exceeded the number of HDD shipments for the first time.

Flash storage features high performance, low power consumption, and high reliability. It is widely used in multiple key enterprise application scenarios. Inclusive all-scenario flash storage not only upgrades media, but also integrates data center resources and reconstructs the architecture to meet diversified service requirements in the future, making every bit of data faster, greener, and more durable.

For more details about Huawei Data Storage, please visit this link .

The article is credited by CIO:


Muchiu (Henry) Chang, PhD. Cantab (Cambridge, UK)

Consultant in Patent Intelligence and Engineering Management

4 个月

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