Flash flooding in Tunbridge Wells
Flash flooding in Tunbridge Wells has wrecked havoc in The Pantiles, Nevill Street, Market Street and other areas. Local media has even reported sightings of dead rats 'floating in the streets' from flushed out sewers. Kent and Fire Rescue Service, deserving our respect for all their hard work, received 60 emergency calls about the various issues.
But we are definitely a tough bunch here in T Wells and I know we'll come back from the brink and very soon put the town in order again.
It's worth pondering the fact that one minute you can be enjoying late Summer sunshine and the next moment find yourself pumping water out of your backyard. You never know at this time of year when the weather will change, it's very hit and miss.
And that's why I keep talking and talking and talking about the importance of getting your chimney swept now.
The icy cold fingers of Jack Frost are already reaching for us with just ONE MONTH until Autumn officially starts on September 23.
If your chimney is not clean and ready – how will you keep snug and warm [unless you find resting beside a radiator interesting]?
Peace of mind about having a safe and ready-for-fire chimney will only happen if you make an appointment now. Then you'll be able to enjoy cheerful, safe fires at home when Autumn and Winter come [remember – Autumn is here in four weeks time!].
Book a professional chimney inspection and sweep today. Phone: 07587 134589 or email: [email protected]