Flapping turtle technique
Don Jessop - Mastery Horsemanship
Author, speaker, creator of Mastery Horsemanship, Master Horseman at MasteryHorsemanship.com
You asked for it, so here it is.?This just might be the most powerful tool in the whole tool kit when it comes to teaching horses about focus and rideability.?
I call it the flapping turtle because it's so easy to remember and, it looks just like... a flapping turtle.
Watch the video and learn how to master the game so your horse never runs over you, never loses focus, becomes a fantastic riding partner for riders of any age and skill level and also becomes an expert mountain trail horse.?
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By the way... a new book is coming soon. It's called the Beginners Guide to Foundation Horse Training and it's full color with 34 steps to help you fill in your holes in training and to help advance your horse to the perfect partner.?