FlameTube: how to keep calm in any conditions
The life of a startup leader is stressful, and it's extremely important to be adaptive, keep calm, stay focused and maximally efficient. As about me, almost all of my friends can not imagine, how I keep the right attitude, stay positive and go forward continuosly. It's the time to disclose the secret.
I always use probably the strongest anti-stress and positivity tool – FlameTube. The work on FlameTube design was very intuitive process, I just kept in mind the most beautiful and positive things, that I could imagine, and literally have encoded them in FlameTube shape. And, much later, communicating with psychologists, I understood, how and why it works so fine. So, let's get started!
Step one: eliminate your stress
When you are in stress, the first you should do is to replace your negative emotions with better ones. Define emotions by your sensations. Start from tactile ones. Taking FlameTube Dock in your hands, you immediately feel pleasant heaviness and light coolness of a solid piece of metal. It works the same way as a traditional worry stone, but even more efficient. Touch sexy dimple on its top and move your finger further. Sharp and rounded edges, as well as curved top and flat soft bottom symbolize different sides of your life. But don't take it in your mind, just touch all the surfaces and listen to your senses. Within a few minutes you feel, that your anxiety is gone.
Put the Dock and take FlameTube. Slide your fingers across its surfaces and edges, and also engage your visual sensation. FlameTube is full of positive symbols. Try to associate each visual part of the subject with one of the best things in your life. Look, touch, imagine.
Step two: improve your mental balance
Turn FlameTube on and look at the flame for some time. It's proven method to become more balanced, and it always works.
Step three: get a charge of positivity
Playing with FalmeTube, you activate important functions of your organism – tactile and temperature sensation, vision, hearing, fine motoric, breathing, brain power. Light it on by a finger snap. Tilt to the left and right. Deflect the flame by blowing. Blow it out and light on again.
Every time you do it, the mental pattern of success – ?vision - objective - activity? – is being modeled. FlameTube gestures associate with key symbols: lighting on means a new bright idea, flame deflection by tilting and blowing – flexible management, magic sparkles after blowing out – successful finishing of something. Playing a simple game, you train to be fortunate in everything you do. Just watch the video!
Don't hesitate to contact me to obtain your personal FlameTube – probably the best anti-stress and positivity tool!
Thanks a lot for reading! If you like the story, click "Like", share the link in your groups, drop me a line in comments, support the project, and I will write next parts.
Alexey Boychenko (Alexey [at] Boychenko [dot] de)