FlameTube is...
... now available here: Lightshow.pro
The quality of your life is the quality of your emotions. FlameTube is an electronic piece of the art, giving you an inspiration, aesthetic pleasure, feeling of coziness and romance. Probably, the most realistic e-candle, great positivity tool, interactive toy, decorative light, unusual clock, electronic flute and much more... All in one.
FlameTube is very unusual electronic device, combining a retro-style shape of a radio tube with contemporary materials and innovative technologies.
Right out of the box, FlameTube acts like an interactive candle with amazingly realistic flame, but it's just the beginning... By loading software applications, you can turn it into almost anything!
Decorate your home with realistic candle flames and many other visual effects! Combine FlameTube with stylish candle holders and interior accessories! Make your rooms cozy and unique! Start every single day on a positive note!
Install apps, write your own programs, create new peripherals, explore the world of IoT... Turn FlameTube into a kitchen timer, original clock, retro-style game console, music instrument, smart home sensor, notification point, earthquake detector and much more!
8-core CPU, wind, sound, acceleration sensors, multi-protocol peripheral port, innovative "lighting display" - everything in a small lamp! Unbelievable opportunities for your creativity!
Candle App for FlameTube – just snap your fingers!
One of the most exciting FlameTube apps is "Candle" (pre-installed). Simulated fire looks and acts exactly like a real candle flame. Just snap your fingers to light it on. Try to tilt, blow, or blow out, and see its natural responses.
To light it on, just snap your fingers!
Tilt FlameTube, and the flame will deflect.
Blow and see its natural reaction!
Blow it out and take a look at magic sparkles!
One candle - a lot of benefits!
“I always use FlameTube as a key element of interior decoration. It looks cool, and my clients are happy!”
“FlameTube in a long trip is like a small piece of my cozy home.”
"Romantic dinner with FlameTubes – what can be better?"
“When I feel lonely, I take my FlameTube and go to a cafe… And the magic happens!”
"My best pictures I make under the light of FlameTube!"
If you're tired, you can fall asleep... The flame is absolutely safe.
Using FlameTube, you get a lot of fun, and always stay on a positive note!
FlameTube experience
FlameTube design combines retro-style shape of a radio tube with contemporary materials and innovative technologies. It symbolizes time continuity – from candle-illuminated romantic past, through the era of warm tube sound and LED-equipped present time, to the future of intelligent things.
Thanks to the design, FlameTube looks great in most interiors. You can use it as is, or in combination with different kinds of candle holders and accessories. Uncover your creativity!
TV zone, fireplace shelf, bar counter, dining room, bedside table, hallway, lobby, are the best places for FlameTube
Invite your dearest one to FlameTube-lighted dinner. Say the most important words. Love and be loved.
If you're alone, just put FlameTube on the top of the desk in a cafe. Take the device to a concert instead of a lighter. Be unique, be unusual.
FlameTube is one of the best possible gifts for anyone. Granting the positivity to your friends, you create the most comfortable environment for yourself. One FlameTube is great, more is even better! The more FlameTubes your friends receive, the better they can decorate the party and their houses!
Become a developer!
FlameTube is a kind of a microcomputer. Currently, more than 750 software projects for robotics, signal processing, displaying, sensing and much more, are available for FlameTube’s CPU. FlameTube’s multi-protocol port is compatible to hundreds types of peripherals.
Turn your FlameTube into a contactless kitchen timer, smartphone companion, notification point for your smart home, let it work as a music instrument, retro-style game console, or invent something unique.
One of stretch goals is FlameTube IoT Battery, allowing you to connect FlameTube or other attached device to the Internet! Using IoT Battery, you can communicate with your FlameTube locally or remotely.
Creation story
Creation of FlameTube was very exciting but not easy. Step by step, we tested our ideas of user interface, the design, circuits, electronic components, materials and other important elements. We made an uncountable number of prototypes until FlameTube got its final appearance.
After 3 years of hard work, we got the product, that we really love. We’ve made 20 units and granted them to our friends. Each of them use FlameTube in everyday life and like it very much.
Support the project!
We would be happy to share our exciting experience to everyone, as soon as possible. To make it happen, we need your help. Join us, tell your friends, share the link in social networks. Let’s together enter to the new era of human-centered things.
Q: What is “multi-protocol port”?
A: The port contains 5 multi-purpose I/O lines that can be programmed to run several protocols, working together or independently. Digital and (with very simple circuitry) analog signals are supported. So, it’s possible to use more than one peripheral device, driven by different protocols, at the same time.
Q: What kind of peripheral devices and protocols are supported by FlameTube multi-protocol port?
A: Currently, exists more than 750 libraries, that’s possible to use in FlameTube software development, supporting a lot of signals, protocols and peripherals, including:
- USB 1.0 and 2.0 (3.x is not supported): host and device; supporting storage devices, Bluetooth dongles, serial devices (incl. several modems), HID (keyboard, mouse).
- UART (serial port), supporting modems, wireless modules, GPS modules, other serial devices.
- I2C and SPI, support several types of EEPROM, SRAM, ADC, DAC, accelerometers, gyroscopes, sensors, peripheral interface extenders, Ethernet PHY/MAC chips, GPS modules, wireless modules, displays, RTC, LED drivers, addressable LEDs.
- DMX512
- Infrared remote (send, receive, record, play)
- SPDIF (digital audio I/O), analog audio
- TV out (with some limitations)
- X10
- Digital I/O (switches, relays, motors, quadrature encoders, etc.)
- PWM (servo, motors, dimming)
- Several keyboards, mouses, game controllers
- RFID (software-based, with very simple circuitry)
- Capacitive sensors (software-based)
- Much more.
Q: Is the firmware upgradeable?
A: Early firmware versions are upgradeable using Developer Kit or IoT Battery. Versions with built-in loader are upgradeable via USB connection. We will publish firmware updates and instructions as soon, as the infrastructure is ready.
Q: Does the SDK exist?
A: Yes. We’re going to provide the SDK and instructions as soon, as necessary infrastructure is ready.
Q: What kinds of programming languages FlameTube support?
FlameTube CPU supports C/C++, Assembler and easy to use CPU-specific interpreted language.
Q: What is the advantage of multi-core architecture of FlameTube CPU?
A: It’s an easy way to independently run time-critical and highly-deterministic algorithms in parallel with other tasks. It’s important for realtime signal processing and precision multi-protocol I/O.
FlameTube is just the beginning... We are looking for partners for FlameTube production and new projects. VC, distributors and manufacturers, genies of marketing, talented software developers and designers – you are welcome!
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Alexey Boychenko Alexey [at] Boychenko [dot] de
FlameTube and my other products are available here: lightshow.pro