Flame Retardant of Injection Plastic Parts
The flame retardant in the shape of the powder is unevenly scattered during the processing process, and the product often appears grain. Therefore, it’s suitable for plastic modified plants to modify granules. And other additives need to be added for completion and formula design. Customers who want to process the finished product are not applicable to choose a powder flame retardant. Customers who need to directly injection can choose PP flame retardant parent grains. It is the concentrated parent granules of the composite formula of the PP flame retardant. It has a carrier and a composite flame retardant.
Introduce how the flame retardant is applied during the injection molding process.
1. The decomposition product of the injection molding flame retardant under the combustion will form a glass film that is oxidized and underage. The glass film can isolate the air's reflection or has a lower thermal conductivity.
2. After heating and decomposition, dilute the fuel gas and dilute the burning oxygen concentration.
3. Plastic processing flame retardant melts and releases heat.
4. Form a porous insulation layer on the surface of the product to prevent heat transmission and burning.
Yinsu Company also has supplied some flame retardants that are suitable for injection molding:
FRP-750, FRP-302Y, suitable for PP black injection molding.
PPV2-6, suitable for PP white injection molding.
Guangzhou Yinsu Flame Retardant New Materials Co., Ltd. has been specialized in the R&D, production and sales of various new environment-friendly and efficient flame retardants, with 20 years of experience. The red phosphorus flame retardants in our company includes FRP-950, FRP-8050, FRP-750, FRP-301, etc.
For more information about flame retardants, please follow our website or contact us directly. thank you!