The Flagship Program Approach
The level of coverage of DPT3 (the three required doses of the combined diphtheria, tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine) is considered a leading indicator of vaccine coverage in any country. India was in the news recently for having crossed 93% on this indicator in 2022. Senegal has been rated as an exemplar for having moved this indicator from 52% in 2000 to 95% in 2019. These gains have not come easily, and there is much that is valuable to learn from the case studies of these countries.
A common feature of many of the high achievers has been the use of the “flagship program” and other similar vertical approaches. The benefit of such approaches has been to provide a focus on specific, measurable outcomes, with the underlying (often unstated) belief that this will lead to an improvement in the entire health system.
However, as we have seen in several developing countries which have taken this approach, while the flagship program has indeed delivered on its goal, this has not automatically led to the development of a strong health system. I worry that instead of helping, these vertical approaches detract from the goal of building a robust, well-functioning health system.
Good outcomes on vaccinations have not led to the development of robust primary care systems and, going beyond primary care, because of a lack of attention to the entire system, many states and countries have ended up with important fault lines. For example, as I have argued in this piece, in many of India’s focus states and almost all of Africa, the reality that C-section rates are extremely low is now the principal driver of unaddressed maternal and perinatal mortality. The very large Better-Birth trial in Uttar Pradesh in India showed that further improvements from current levels in maternal and child health through primary care interventions alone are not possible.
?I think there is a deeper malaise in national and state-level health systems that needs to be addressed by taking the following steps.