Flag and coastal states, chess pieces, distant-water fishing, and abandoned children
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:
- 开放? [kÄi fang]? openness; opening up:?
开放带æ¥è¿›æ¥ï¼Œåˆä½œåˆ›é€ 未æ¥ã€‚ä¸å›½æ‰©å¤§é«˜æ°´å¹³å¼€æ”¾çš„决心ä¸ä¼šå˜ï¼ŒåŒä¸–界分享å‘展机é‡çš„决心ä¸ä¼šå˜ã€‚ä¸å›½å°†ç»§ç»ç§‰æŒå¼€æ”¾ç†å¿µï¼ŒåŒå„å›½åŠ å¼ºäº’åˆ©åˆä½œï¼Œå®žçŽ°å…±åŒå‘展。?
Openness brings progress and cooperation opens up a brighter future. China will not waver in our resolve to open wider at a high standard and our determination to share development opportunities with the rest of the world. China will uphold openness and enhance mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries for common development.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)
- 两会? [liǎng huì]? two sessions (of National People's Congress and of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference):?
Today’s quote:
The two sessions are an important political event in China and a window for the rest of the world to observe and understand China. We welcome foreign diplomatic envoys to sit in on the two sessions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 全国政å全体会议与全国人大会议æ¯å¹´åŒæœŸå¬å¼€ï¼Œæ”¿å委员ä¸ä»…è¦è®¨è®ºæ”¿å的问题,还è¦åˆ—å¸å…¨å›½äººå¤§ä¼šè®®ï¼Œå‚åŠ å¯¹æœ‰å…³æ³•å¾‹ä¿®æ”¹ã€â€œä¸€åºœä¸¤é™¢â€å·¥ä½œæŠ¥å‘Šç‰çš„è®¨è®ºï¼Œè¿™æ ·çš„åˆ¶åº¦å®‰æŽ’çœŸæ£å®žçŽ°äº†è®©äººäººèµ·æ¥è´Ÿè´£ã€äººäººç›‘ç£æ”¿åºœå·¥ä½œï¼Œå½¢æˆäº†å…·æœ‰ä¸å›½ç‰¹è‰²çš„“两会â€å¼æ°‘主。?
When the annual sessions of the NPC and the CPPCC National Committee (Two Sessions) are held concurrently each year, members of the CPPCC National Committee submit proposals for deliberation. They also sit in on NPC sessions to participate in the discussions on the amendments to laws and on the work reports of the central government, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate. This mechanism ensures that all the people can play a part in overseeing the work of the government, and forms China's own model of democracy based on the Two Sessions.? (White_Paper_Democracy in China_《ä¸å›½çš„民主》_2021_12_04)
- 棋å? [qà zÇ]? chess piece; pawn:?
Today’s quote:
China urges the US to refrain from using the Philippines as a pawn to destabilize the South China Sea. The Philippines also needs to refrain from being manipulated by the US. Lessons from history tell us that a pawn will only end up being abandoned.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 美国的一些ååŽåŠ¿åŠ›ä»¥æ‰€è°““自由ã€æ°‘主ã€äººæƒâ€å’Œâ€œç»´æŠ¤ä»¥è§„则为基础的国际秩åºâ€ä¸ºå¹Œå,刻æ„æªæ›²å°æ¹¾é—®é¢˜çº¯å±žä¸å›½å†…政的性质,ä¼å›¾å¦å®šä¸å›½æ”¿åºœç»´æŠ¤å›½å®¶ä¸»æƒå’Œé¢†åœŸå®Œæ•´çš„æ£å½“性与åˆç†æ€§ã€‚ ... 外部势力打“å°æ¹¾ç‰Œâ€ï¼Œæ˜¯æŠŠå°æ¹¾å½“作é制ä¸å›½å‘展进æ¥ã€é˜»æŒ ä¸åŽæ°‘æ—伟大å¤å…´çš„棋å,牺牲的是å°æ¹¾åŒèƒžçš„利益ç¦ç¥‰å’Œå…‰æ˜Žå‰é€”,ç»ä¸æ˜¯ä¸ºäº†å°æ¹¾åŒèƒžå¥½ã€‚?
Behind the smokescreens of "freedom, democracy, and human rights" and "upholding the rules-based international order", some anti-China forces in the US deliberately distort the nature of the Taiwan question - which is purely an internal matter for China - and try to deny the legitimacy and justification of the Chinese government in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.? ... These external forces are using Taiwan as a pawn to undermine China's development and progress, and obstruct the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. They are doing so at the cost of the interests, wellbeing and future of the people of Taiwan rather than for their benefit.? (White Paper_The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era_ å°æ¹¾é—®é¢˜ä¸Žæ–°æ—¶ä»£ä¸å›½ç»Ÿä¸€äº‹ä¸š_2022_08_10)?
?? 我们也è¦æ£å‘Šæ°‘进党当局,挟洋谋“独â€å¿…然是æ»è·¯ä¸€æ¡ï¼Œä»°äººé¼»æ¯ç»ˆå°†æ²¦ä¸ºå¼ƒå。?
We would also like to make it clear to the DPP authorities that soliciting foreign support to seek “Taiwan independence†will get them nowhere. Anyone who throw themselves on the mercy of others will only end up being tossed aside like used chess pieces.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 22, 2022)?
?? 甘心为他人åšâ€œæ£‹åâ€ï¼Œæœ€ç»ˆéš¾é€ƒâ€œå¼ƒåâ€çš„命è¿ã€‚?
If Taiwan is willing to be a “chess piece†in other’s power game, it ultimately cannot escape the fate of being abandoned.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on March 31, 2022)?
?? 立陶宛甘åšæ£‹å,为虎作伥,å´ä¸æ•¢æ‰¿è®¤ï¼Œæ›´ä»Žæœªé“æ‰ï¼Œè¿™ä¸æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªè´Ÿè´£ä»»çš„国家所为。?
Lithuania willingly serves as a pawn, but dares not to own up to it, let alone apologizes for it. This is not the behavior of a responsible country and should be condemned by all countries safeguarding human rights and respecting rule of law.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 24, 2021)
- 弃å? [qì zÇ]? abandoned child:?
Today’s quote:
China urges the US to refrain from using the Philippines as a pawn to destabilize the South China Sea. The Philippines also needs to refrain from being manipulated by the US. Lessons from history tell us that a pawn will only end up being abandoned.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 我们也è¦æ£å‘Šæ°‘进党当局,挟洋谋“独â€å¿…然是æ»è·¯ä¸€æ¡ï¼Œä»°äººé¼»æ¯ç»ˆå°†æ²¦ä¸ºå¼ƒå。?
We would also like to make it clear to the DPP authorities that soliciting foreign support to seek “Taiwan independence†will get them nowhere. Anyone who throw themselves on the mercy of others will only end up being tossed aside like used chess pieces.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 22, 2022)?
?? 甘心为他人åšâ€œæ£‹åâ€ï¼Œæœ€ç»ˆéš¾é€ƒâ€œå¼ƒåâ€çš„命è¿ã€‚?
If Taiwan is willing to be a “chess piece†in other’s power game, it ultimately cannot escape the fate of being abandoned.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on March 31, 2022)
- åŒè¾¹é—®é¢˜? [shuÄng biÄn wèn tÃ]? bilateral issue:?
Today’s quote:
ä»çˆ±ç¤é—®é¢˜æ˜¯ä¸å›½å’Œè²å¾‹å®¾ä¹‹é—´çš„åŒè¾¹é—®é¢˜ï¼ŒåŒ…括美国在内的任何第三方ä¸åº”借机挑拨,更ä¸åº”æ’手介入。ä¸æ–¹ç»´æŠ¤è‡ªèº«åˆæ³•æƒåˆ©çš„决心æ„å¿—åšå®šä¸ç§»ï¼Œè²æ–¹ä¾µæƒæŒ‘衅的图谋ä¸ä¼šå¾—逞。ä¸æ–¹å¥‰åŠç¾Žæ–¹ä¸è¦å°†è²å¾‹å®¾ä½œä¸ºæ£‹åæ…ä¹±å—海地区局势。è²æ–¹ä¹Ÿä¸è¦ä»»ç”±ç¾Žå›½æ‘†å¸ƒï¼ŒåŽ†å²æ•™è®è¡¨æ˜Žï¼Œæ£‹å最终åªä¼šæˆä¸ºå¼ƒå。? Ren’ai Jiao is a bilateral issue between China and the Philippines.
The US or any third party should not exploit the issue to sow discord, still less make interventions. China has unwavering determination and will in safeguarding its legitimate rights. The Philippines’ attempt of making infringements and provocations will not succeed. China urges the US to refrain from using the Philippines as a pawn to destabilize the South China Sea. The Philippines also needs to refrain from being manipulated by the US. Lessons from history tell us that a pawn will only end up being abandoned.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 美方为一己ç§åˆ©ï¼Œæ’手æ…å±€å—海问题,怂æ¿æ”¯æŒè²æ–¹ä¾µæƒæ»‹äº‹ï¼ŒåŠ å‰§æµ·ä¸Šç´§å¼ å±€åŠ¿ï¼Œä¸æ–¹å¯¹æ¤åšå†³å对。历å²å·²å¤šæ¬¡è¯æ˜Žï¼Œç¾Žå›½çš„介入åªä¼šè®©æƒ…况å˜å¾—æ›´ç³Ÿã€‚æˆ‘ä»¬å¯¹æœ‰å…³å›½å®¶æŒ‘åŠ¨å¯¹æŠ—ï¼Œç ´åå—海和平稳定的错误行径予以强烈谴责,敦促其谨言慎行。ä¸å›½å†›é˜Ÿå°†é‡‡å–åšå†³æœ‰åŠ›æŽªæ–½æå«å›½å®¶é¢†åœŸä¸»æƒå’Œæµ·æ´‹æƒç›Šã€‚
The issue of Ren'ai Jiao is a bilateral one between China and the Philippines, and has nothing to do with the US. The US meddled in the South China Sea issue for its selfish interests, instigated and emboldened the Philippine side to infringe upon China's sovereignty, which escalated maritime tensions. The Chinese side firmly opposes that. History has repeatedly proved that the US interference will only make things worse. We strongly condemn the wrong acts by relevant countries to provoke confrontation and undermine peace and stability in the South China Sea, and urge them to be prudent in words and deeds. The Chinese military will take resolute and effective measures to defend national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and maritime rights and interests.? (Regular Press Conference of China's Ministry of National Defense on November 30, 2023)?
?? … ä»çˆ±ç¤é—®é¢˜æ˜¯ä¸å›½å’Œè²å¾‹å®¾ä¹‹é—´çš„åŒè¾¹é—®é¢˜ï¼Œä¸Žç¾Žå›½æ— 关。一段时间以æ¥ï¼Œè²å¾‹å®¾ä¸æ–派公务船ã€å†›èˆ°å¼ºé—¯ä»çˆ±ç¤é‚»è¿‘海域,ä¼å›¾è¿é€ç”¨äºŽå¤§è§„æ¨¡ç»´ä¿®åŠ å›ºéžæ³•â€œå滩â€å†›èˆ°çš„建ç‘物资,严é‡ä¾µçŠ¯ä¸å›½é¢†åœŸä¸»æƒï¼Œè¿å国际法和《å—æµ·å„方行为宣言》规定,也è¿èƒŒè‡ªèº«æ‰¿è¯ºã€‚ä¸å›½æœ‰æƒä¾æ®å›½å†…法和国际法对è²æ–¹ä¾µæƒè¡Œå¾„采å–å¿…è¦æ‰§æ³•æŽªæ–½ï¼Œç»´æŠ¤é¢†åœŸä¸»æƒå’Œæµ·æ´‹æƒç›Šã€‚美国为实现自身地缘政治ç§åˆ©ï¼Œæ€‚æ¿æ”¯æŒé…åˆè²å¾‹å®¾åœ¨ä»çˆ±ç¤ä¾µæƒæŒ‘衅,严é‡è¿å国际法和国际关系基本准则,严é‡æŸå®³ä¸æ–¹çš„主æƒå’Œæƒç›Šï¼Œä¸¥é‡å±å®³åœ°åŒºå’Œå¹³ç¨³å®šã€‚地区国家对æ¤çœ‹å¾—å分清楚。ä¸å›½ç»´æŠ¤è‡ªèº«åˆæ³•æƒåˆ©çš„决心和æ„志是åšå®šçš„,美方的图谋注定ä¸å¯èƒ½å¾—逞。?
…? Ren’ai Jiao is a bilateral issue between China and the Philippines. The US has no place in it. For some time, the Philippines has kept sending public service ships and warships to intrude into the adjacent waters of Ren’ai Jiao in an attempt to deliver construction materials for repairing and reinforcing the illegally “grounded†military vessel on a large scale. This has seriously violated China’s territorial sovereignty, breached international law and the stipulations of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and broken the Philippines’ own promise. China has the right to take necessary law enforcement measures to the Philippines’ infringement in accordance with domestic and international law to uphold China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. In seeking selfish geopolitical interests, the US has incited, supported and cooperated with the Philippines in its infringement and provocation at Ren’ai Jiao, which seriously violates international law and the basic norms governing international relations, seriously undermines China’s sovereignty and rights and interests and seriously jeopardizes regional peace and stability. This is quite clear to countries in the region. China has firm resolve and will in safeguarding its lawful rights and the US’s attempt is doomed to fail.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 23, 2023)?
?? ä¸ç«‹ä¹‹é—´çš„问题,是政治问题,ä¸æ˜¯ç»æµŽé—®é¢˜ï¼›ä¸ç«‹ä¹‹é—´çš„问题,是立方背信弃义ã€æŸå®³ä¸å›½åˆ©ç›Šå¯¼è‡´çš„问题,ä¸æ˜¯ä¸æ–¹å‘ç«‹é™¶å®›æ–½åŠ åŽ‹åŠ›çš„é—®é¢˜ï¼›ä¸ç«‹ä¹‹é—´çš„问题,是ä¸ç«‹åŒè¾¹é—®é¢˜ï¼Œä¸æ˜¯ä¸æ¬§ä¹‹é—´çš„问题。?
The problem between China and Lithuania is a political not an economic one. They were created by Lithuania that acted in bad faith and hurt China’s interests, rather than China’s pressure on Lithuania. They are issues between China and Lithuania, instead of China and the EU.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2022)
- æ— å¯éžè®®? [wú kÄ› fÄ“i yì]? beyond reproach; justifiable:?
Today’s quote:
ä»çˆ±ç¤æ˜¯ä¸å›½å—沙群岛的组æˆéƒ¨åˆ†ï¼Œä¸å›½å¯¹åŒ…括ä»çˆ±ç¤åœ¨å†…çš„å—沙群岛åŠå…¶é™„è¿‘æµ·åŸŸæ‹¥æœ‰æ— å¯äº‰è¾©çš„主æƒï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯åœ¨é•¿æœŸåŽ†å²è¿›ç¨‹ä¸å½¢æˆå¹¶ç¡®ç«‹çš„,符åˆåŒ…括《è”åˆå›½å®ªç« 》在内的国际法。ä¸å›½æµ·è¦ä¾æ³•å¯¹è²æ–¹åœ¨ä»çˆ±ç¤çš„ä¾µæƒæŒ‘衅行为采å–å¿…è¦æ‰§æ³•æŽªæ–½ï¼Œæ£å½“åˆæ³•ï¼Œä¸“ä¸šå…‹åˆ¶ï¼Œæ— å¯éžè®®ã€‚?
Ren’ai Jiao is part of China’s Nansha Qundao. China has indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Qundao and its adjacent waters, including Ren’ai Jiao. This is established in the long course of history, and complies with international law, including the UN Charter. China Coast Guard took necessary law enforcement measures in accordance with law against the infringement and provocative moves by Philippine vessels at Ren’ai Jiao. The measures are justified, lawful, professional, restrained, and beyond reproach.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 昨天我已ç»å°±æœ‰å…³é—®é¢˜è¡¨æ˜Žä¸æ–¹ç«‹åœºã€‚我愿é‡ç”³ï¼Œä¸å›½æµ·è¦åœ¨ä¸æ–¹ç®¡è¾–海域开展æ£å½“åˆæ³•çš„æ‰§æ³•æ´»åŠ¨ï¼Œæ— å¯éžè®®ã€‚?
I stated China’s position yesterday? July 6, 2023] and would like to reiterate that the legitimate and lawful law enforcement activities of China Coast Guard in waters under China’s jurisdiction is beyond reproach.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 7, 2023)?
?? å…³äºŽä½ çš„ç¬¬ä¸€ä¸ªé—®é¢˜ï¼Œåœ¨ä¹Œå…‹å…°é—®é¢˜ä¸Šï¼Œä¸æ–¹å§‹ç»ˆæœ¬ç€å®¢è§‚å…¬æ£æ€åº¦ï¼Œæ ¹æ®äº‹æƒ…本身的是éžæ›²ç›´ï¼Œç‹¬ç«‹è‡ªä¸»åœ°ä½œå‡ºåˆ¤æ–。ä¸æ–¹ä¸€è´¯ä¸»å¼ å°Šé‡å„国主æƒå’Œé¢†åœŸå®Œæ•´ï¼Œéµå®ˆè”åˆå›½å®ªç« 宗旨和原则,é‡è§†å„国åˆç†å®‰å…¨å…³åˆ‡ï¼Œæ”¯æŒä¸€åˆ‡æœ‰åˆ©äºŽå’Œå¹³è§£å†³å±æœºçš„努力,致力于åŠå’Œä¿ƒè°ˆï¼Œç¼“和人é“主义局势。ä¸æ–¹çš„立场光明磊è½ã€å…¬æ£å®¢è§‚ã€æ— å¯éžè®®ã€‚?
Regarding your first question, on the Ukraine issue, China has always made its judgment independently and in an objective and just manner based on the merits of the matter itself. China has always stood for respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, abiding by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, attaching importance to the legitimate security concerns of all countries, supporting all efforts conducive to the peaceful resolution of the crisis, and committing itself to promoting peace talks to ease the humanitarian situation. China’s position is aboveboard, just, objective and beyond reproach.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 18, 2022)?
?? é¢å¯¹æœªçŸ¥çš„病毒和çªå¦‚å…¶æ¥çš„疫情,ä¸å›½æ”¿åºœåšæŒäººæ°‘至上ã€ç”Ÿå‘½è‡³ä¸Šï¼Œé‡‡å–æ£å¸¸çš„é˜²æŽ§æŽªæ–½æ— å¯éžè®®ã€‚?
In the face of the sudden onslaught of an unknown virus, the Chinese government put people and their lives front and center and adopted normal prevention and control measures, which are beyond reproach.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 30, 2021)?
?? ä¸å›½æ”¿åºœå¯¹å—沙部分驻守岛ç¤è¿›è¡Œäº†ç›¸å…³å»ºè®¾å’Œè®¾æ–½ç»´æŠ¤ï¼Œä¸»è¦æ˜¯ä¸ºäº†å®Œå–„å²›ç¤çš„相关功能,改善驻守人员的工作和生活æ¡ä»¶ï¼Œæ›´å¥½åœ°ç»´æŠ¤å›½å®¶é¢†åœŸä¸»æƒå’Œæµ·æ´‹æƒç›Šï¼Œæ›´å¥½åœ°å±¥è¡Œä¸æ–¹åœ¨æµ·ä¸Šæœå¯»ä¸Žæ•‘助ã€é˜²ç¾å‡ç¾ã€æµ·æ´‹ç§‘ç ”ã€æ°”象观察ã€çŽ¯å¢ƒä¿æŠ¤ã€èˆªè¡Œå®‰å…¨ã€æ¸”业生产æœåŠ¡ç‰æ–¹é¢æ‰¿æ‹…的国际责任和义务。有关建设是ä¸æ–¹ä¸»æƒèŒƒå›´å†…的事情,åˆæƒ…ã€åˆç†ã€åˆæ³•ï¼Œä¸å½±å“也ä¸é’ˆå¯¹ä»»ä½•å›½å®¶ï¼Œæ— å¯éžè®®ã€‚?
The Chinese government has been carrying out maintenance and construction work on some of the garrisoned Nansha islands and reefs with the main purposes of optimizing their functions, improving the living and working conditions of personnel stationed there, better safeguarding territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, as well as better performing China's international responsibility and obligation in maritime search and rescue, disaster prevention and mitigation, marine science and research, meteorological observation, environmental protection, navigation safety, fishery production service and other areas. The relevant construction, which is reasonable, justified and lawful, is well within China's sovereignty. It does not impact or target any country, and is thus beyond reproach.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 9, 2015)
- 行船旗国? [xÃng chuán qà guó]? flag state:?
作为原则,ä¸å›½ä¸€å‘å°Šé‡æ²¿æµ·å›½ä¾æ®å›½é™…法在其专属ç»æµŽåŒºäº«æœ‰çš„主æƒæƒåˆ©å’Œä¸“属管辖æƒï¼Œå…¨é¢å±¥è¡Œèˆ¹æ——å›½ä¹‰åŠ¡ï¼Œä¸¥æ ¼å®žæ–½è¿œæ´‹æ¸”ä¸šç›‘ç®¡ï¼Œä¸Žæœ‰å…³å›½å®¶åœ¨å¹³ç‰äº’利基础上开展渔业养护和利用åˆä½œã€‚?
Let me say more broadly that China respects the sovereign rights and exclusive jurisdiction that coastal states enjoy in their exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in accordance with international law, fully fulfills flag state’s obligations, exercises strict supervision over distant-water fisheries, and carries out cooperation on the conservation and use of fisheries resources with relevant countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)
- 沿海国? [yán hǎi guó]? coastal state:?
作为原则,ä¸å›½ä¸€å‘å°Šé‡æ²¿æµ·å›½ä¾æ®å›½é™…法在其专属ç»æµŽåŒºäº«æœ‰çš„主æƒæƒåˆ©å’Œä¸“属管辖æƒï¼Œå…¨é¢å±¥è¡Œèˆ¹æ——å›½ä¹‰åŠ¡ï¼Œä¸¥æ ¼å®žæ–½è¿œæ´‹æ¸”ä¸šç›‘ç®¡ï¼Œä¸Žæœ‰å…³å›½å®¶åœ¨å¹³ç‰äº’利基础上开展渔业养护和利用åˆä½œã€‚?
Let me say more broadly that China respects the sovereign rights and exclusive jurisdiction that coastal states enjoy in their exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in accordance with international law, fully fulfills flag state’s obligations, exercises strict supervision over distant-water fisheries, and carries out cooperation on the conservation and use of fisheries resources with relevant countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)
- 远洋渔业? [yuǎn yáng yú yè]? distant-water fishing:?
Today’s quote:
作为原则,ä¸å›½ä¸€å‘å°Šé‡æ²¿æµ·å›½ä¾æ®å›½é™…法在其专属ç»æµŽåŒºäº«æœ‰çš„主æƒæƒåˆ©å’Œä¸“属管辖æƒï¼Œå…¨é¢å±¥è¡Œèˆ¹æ——å›½ä¹‰åŠ¡ï¼Œä¸¥æ ¼å®žæ–½è¿œæ´‹æ¸”ä¸šç›‘ç®¡ï¼Œä¸Žæœ‰å…³å›½å®¶åœ¨å¹³ç‰äº’利基础上开展渔业养护和利用åˆä½œã€‚?
Let me say more broadly that China respects the sovereign rights and exclusive jurisdiction that coastal states enjoy in their exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in accordance with international law, fully fulfills flag state’s obligations, exercises strict supervision over distant-water fisheries, and carries out cooperation on the conservation and use of fisheries resources with relevant countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? ä¸å›½æ˜¯è´Ÿè´£ä»»çš„远洋渔业国家,一å‘ä¾æ³•ä¾è§„开展远洋æ•æžæ´»åŠ¨ï¼ŒåšæŒâ€œé›¶å®¹å¿â€æ‰“击éžæ³•æ•æžï¼ŒæŒç»æå‡è¿œæ´‹æ¸”业履约能力和监管水平。开展公海自主休渔,深化åŒè¾¹æ¸”业åˆä½œï¼Œç§¯æžå‚与国际和区域渔业管ç†ç»„织,促进国际渔业资æºç§‘å¦å…»æŠ¤å’Œå¯æŒç»åˆ©ç”¨ã€‚?
China is a responsible country in distant-water fisheries. We conduct distant-water fishing in accordance with laws and regulations, adopt a zero-tolerance attitude towards illegal fishing and continue to improve compliance and regulation related to distant-water fisheries. We have also launched voluntary fishing moratoriums in certain parts of high seas, deepened bilateral fisheries cooperation, actively participated in international and regional fisheries management organizations and promoted science-based conservation and sustainable use of international fisheries resources.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 21, 2023)?
?? 拓展相互投资领域,开展农林牧渔业ã€å†œæœºåŠå†œäº§å“ç”Ÿäº§åŠ å·¥ç‰é¢†åŸŸæ·±åº¦åˆä½œï¼Œç§¯æžæŽ¨è¿›æµ·æ°´å…»æ®–ã€è¿œæ´‹æ¸”业ã€æ°´äº§å“åŠ å·¥ã€æµ·æ°´æ·¡åŒ–ã€æµ·æ´‹ç”Ÿç‰©åˆ¶è¯ã€æµ·æ´‹å·¥ç¨‹æŠ€æœ¯ã€çŽ¯ä¿äº§ä¸šå’Œæµ·ä¸Šæ—…游ç‰é¢†åŸŸåˆä½œã€‚?
We should expand mutual investment areas, deepen cooperation in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, agricultural machinery manufacturing and farm produce processing, and promote cooperation in marine-product farming, deep-sea fishing, aquatic product processing, seawater desalination, marine biopharmacy, ocean engineering technology, environmental protection industries, marine tourism and other fields.? (Action plan on the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative_一带一路规划_2015_03_30)
- 政府工作报告? [zhèng fÇ” gÅng zuò bà o gà o]? government work report:?
Today’s quote:
æŽå¼ºæ€»ç†æ˜¨å¤©åœ¨æ”¿åºœå·¥ä½œæŠ¥å‘Šä¸é‡Šæ”¾äº†ä¸€ä¸ªé‡è¦ä¿¡æ¯ï¼Œé‚£å°±æ˜¯ä¸å›½å°†æ‰©å¤§é«˜æ°´å¹³å¯¹å¤–å¼€æ”¾ï¼Œä¿ƒè¿›äº’åˆ©å…±èµ¢ã€‚ä¸€æ˜¯å°†åŠ å¤§å¸å¼•å¤–资力度,继ç»ç¼©å‡å¤–资准入负é¢æ¸…å•ï¼Œå…¨é¢å–æ¶ˆåˆ¶é€ ä¸šé¢†åŸŸå¤–èµ„å‡†å…¥é™åˆ¶æŽªæ–½ï¼Œæ”¾å®½ç”µä¿¡ã€åŒ»ç–—ç‰æœåŠ¡ä¸šå¸‚åœºå‡†å…¥ã€‚åŠ å¼ºå¤–å•†æŠ•èµ„æœåŠ¡ä¿éšœï¼Œæ‰“é€ â€œæŠ•èµ„ä¸å›½â€å“牌,æå‡å¤–ç±äººå‘˜æ¥åŽå·¥ä½œã€å¦ä¹ ã€æ—…游便利度。二是将推动高质é‡å…±å»ºâ€œä¸€å¸¦ä¸€è·¯â€èµ°æ·±èµ°å®žï¼ŒæŠ“好支æŒé«˜è´¨é‡å…±å»ºâ€œä¸€å¸¦ä¸€è·¯â€å…«é¡¹è¡ŒåŠ¨è½å®žè½åœ°ï¼Œç¨³æ¥æŽ¨è¿›é‡å¤§é¡¹ç›®åˆä½œï¼Œå®žæ–½ä¸€æ‰¹â€œå°è€Œç¾Žâ€æ°‘生项目,积æžæŽ¨åŠ¨æ•°å—ã€ç»¿è‰²ã€åˆ›æ–°ã€å¥åº·ã€æ–‡æ—…ã€å‡è´«ç‰é¢†åŸŸåˆä½œã€‚三是将深化多åŒè¾¹å’ŒåŒºåŸŸç»æµŽåˆä½œï¼ŒæŽ¨åŠ¨è½å®žå·²ç”Ÿæ•ˆè‡ªè´¸å定,与更多国家和地区商ç¾é«˜æ ‡å‡†è‡ªè´¸å定和投资å定。全é¢æ·±å…¥å‚与世贸组织改é©ï¼ŒæŽ¨åŠ¨å»ºè®¾å¼€æ”¾åž‹ä¸–ç•Œç»æµŽï¼Œè®©æ›´å¤šåˆä½œå…±èµ¢æˆæžœæƒ åŠå„国人民。开放带æ¥è¿›æ¥ï¼Œåˆä½œåˆ›é€ 未æ¥ã€‚ä¸å›½æ‰©å¤§é«˜æ°´å¹³å¼€æ”¾çš„决心ä¸ä¼šå˜ï¼ŒåŒä¸–界分享å‘展机é‡çš„决心ä¸ä¼šå˜ã€‚ä¸å›½å°†ç»§ç»ç§‰æŒå¼€æ”¾ç†å¿µï¼ŒåŒå„å›½åŠ å¼ºäº’åˆ©åˆä½œï¼Œå®žçŽ°å…±åŒå‘展。?
When delivering the Report on the Work of the Government, Premier Li Qiang sent an important message that China will pursue higher-standard opening up and promote mutual benefits. First, we will do more to attract foreign investment and further shorten the negative list for foreign investment. All market access restrictions on foreign investment in manufacturing will be abolished, and market access restrictions in services sectors, such as telecommunications and healthcare, will be reduced. We will strengthen services for foreign investors and make China a favored destination for foreign investment. We will make it easier for foreign nationals to work, study, and travel in China. Second, we will strive for solid progress in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. We will carry out the eight major measures for supporting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. We will steadily advance cooperation on major projects and implement a number of “small yet smart†projects for improving the people’s wellbeing. We will promote cooperation in fields such as digital development, green development, innovation, health, culture, tourism, and poverty reduction. Third, we will deepen bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation, promote the implementation of free trade agreements that have entered into force, negotiate and sign high-standard free trade agreements and investment agreements with more countries and regions, comprehensively and deeply participate in WTO reform, foster an open world economy and deliver more benefits generated from win-win cooperation to people of all countries. Openness brings progress and cooperation opens up a brighter future. China will not waver in our resolve to open wider at a high standard and our determination to share development opportunities with the rest of the world. China will uphold openness and enhance mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries for common development.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 6, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 我们的对å°å¤§æ”¿æ–¹é’ˆæ˜¯æ˜Žç¡®çš„,我在政府工作报告ä¸å·²ç»ä½œäº†è¡¨è¿°ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯åšæŒä¸€ä¸ªä¸å›½åŽŸåˆ™å’Œâ€œä¹äºŒå…±è¯†â€ï¼Œåšå†³å对“å°ç‹¬â€åˆ†è£‚行径,推进两岸关系和平å‘展和祖国统一。?
Our major principles and policies on work related to Taiwan are clear-cut. I [Li Keqiang] have laid them out in the Government Work Report. That is, we are committed to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus. We firmly oppose separatist activities seeking “Taiwan independence†and we will advance the peaceful growth of cross-Strait relations and the reunification of China.? (Premier Li Keqiang Meets the Press_æŽå…‹å¼ºæ€»ç†å‡ºå¸è®°è€…会并回ç”ä¸å¤–记者æé—®_2022_03_11)?
?? 我们所é¢ä¸´çš„形势ä¾ç„¶å¤æ‚严峻,困难和挑战ä¾ç„¶ä¼—多,我在政府工作报告和刚æ‰å›žç”问题ä¸å·²ç»å¯¹åº”对困难挑战作了说明和é˜è¿°ã€‚?
We are still faced with a complicated and challenging environment and there are still many difficulties and challenges at play. As to how to respond to these challenges and difficulties, I? [Li Keqiang] have set out our policies in the Government Work Report and also in my answers to some previous questions.? (Premier Li Keqiang Meets the Press_æŽå…‹å¼ºæ€»ç†å‡ºå¸è®°è€…会并回ç”ä¸å¤–记者æé—®_2022_03_11)?
?? 5月15日,ä¸å…±ä¸å¤®æ€»ä¹¦è®°ä¹ 近平主æŒå¬å¼€ä¸å…±ä¸å¤®æ”¿æ²»å±€ä¼šè®®ï¼Œè®¨è®ºå›½åŠ¡é™¢æ‹Ÿæ请第å三届全国人民代表大会第三次会议审议的《政府工作报告》稿,?
May 15: Xi Jinping chaired a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to discuss the draft Report on the Work of the Government, which the State Council would submit to the forthcoming Third Session of the 13th National People’s Congress for deliberation.? (White_Paper_Fighting Covid-19_China in Action_ã€ŠæŠ—å‡»æ–°å† è‚ºç‚Žç–«æƒ…çš„ä¸å›½è¡ŒåŠ¨ã€‹_2020_06_07)?
?? è¦ä»¥ä¹ 近平新时代ä¸å›½ç‰¹è‰²ç¤¾ä¼šä¸»ä¹‰æ€æƒ³ä¸ºæŒ‡å¯¼ï¼Œå…¨é¢è´¯å½»å…šçš„åä¹å¤§å’Œåä¹å±ŠäºŒä¸ã€ä¸‰ä¸å…¨ä¼šç²¾ç¥žï¼ŒæŒ‰ç…§å…šä¸å¤®ã€å›½åŠ¡é™¢å†³ç–部署,深入è½å®žä¸å¤®ç»æµŽå·¥ä½œä¼šè®®ç²¾ç¥žå’Œã€Šæ”¿åºœå·¥ä½œæŠ¥å‘Šã€‹éƒ¨ç½²è¦æ±‚,ç€åŠ›åšå¥½å…«æ–¹é¢å·¥ä½œã€‚?
We will continue following the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and fully apply the guiding principles from the 19th CPC National Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee. In line with the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the principles of the Central Economic Work Conference, and the requirements of the Report on the Work of the Government, we will focus our work on the following eight areas.? (Report on the Implementation of the 2018 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2019 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development_ 关于2018年国民ç»æµŽå’Œç¤¾ä¼šå‘展计划执行情况与2019年国民ç»æµŽå’Œç¤¾ä¼šå‘展计划è‰æ¡ˆçš„报告)
Read in parallel: https://tinyurl.com/mshb6k7w