Fizan Akbar: The Integration of Bookish Education and Manual Skills
Fizan Akbar
SABIT USA Fizan Akbar | Founder, Bristal Enterprises | Specializing in Optical Dispensing Tools Manufacturing & Export | Expert in Optical Tools Designing l Shoe Making Tools l Jewellery Tools l Orthodontic instruments.
Some children pursue education, while others start learning skills from a young age.
Education always elevates a person from a lower level of thinking to a higher level. It transforms thought into awareness, which helps in exploring, understanding, and simplifying the universe. When education reaches a certain level, it also converts into skills. For instance, a pilot receives education to fly an aircraft. Such people earn quite easily.
Manual and mental skills elevate a person’s work from a basic level to a level of expertise. One person's skill easily fulfills the needs of another. For example, a young person learns to make surgical instruments and eventually becomes an expert in this field. These people also earn, but their skills and income do not surpass a certain level.
However, when bookish education and manual skills combine, a marvelous creation occurs, exemplified by the magnificent achievements in engineering.
In poor countries, poor people prefer manual skills, whereas in rich countries, wealthy people choose a combination of bookish education and manual skills. For economic improvement, both paths lead to the same destination: good income.
Bookish knowledge and manual skills never end; they continue to advance. In contrast, personal manual skills are buried with the craftsman unless some skilled artisans pass them on.
Bookish education and manual skills both play an essential role in a person's life. Their combination not only brings economic improvement but also fosters societal development. We should equip our youth with both kinds of knowledge so they can be economically stable and serve society.
Fizan Akbar
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