Fixing To Fit New HOWs

Fixing To Fit New HOWs

Infinite and Finite PAA Disclaimer:

Achievable is infinite, and Attainable is finite: I see the possibility with efficaciously applied effort with no guarantees. I am applying efficacious effort to the necessary {tasks} and {goals} and with the essential people, talents, and skills required to move beyond achievable and within the access of finite with earthly guarantees.

There are 4 kinds of Infinite and Finite Fragmented #PurposesAchievableAttainable #PurposesAchievable (#PAA & PA):

1.?????????Those PAAs we can attain alone. (Finite)

2.?????????Those PAAs we can attain collectively. (Finite)

3.?????????Those PAs we will not attain within our lifetime, but to which we must contribute. (Infinite)

4.?????????Those PAs to which we should avoid attaching our WORTH. (Infinite)

There are no superior and inferior peoples. There are only superior and inferior systems. W.O.R.T.H. is the Source of our Wealth Through Adversity2Legacy, and I am, in spite of obstacles, the owner of my choices and captain of my WORTH. ?

There are so many things to fix in the world. But, considering the evidence, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that our rite of passage is to survive and thrive birth into broken systems. And thriving awareness is to close the taunting, distant consciousness of Pre-birth Ownership of Fragmented Knowledge that must be attached to the Wholeness of one or more. Each of us is owned by a Pre-birth #OathDisk: the original blueprint of an Infinite and Finite List of PAA {Purposes Achievable Attainable}. However, it is up to us to mentally and emotionally defrag our oathdisk and make our intentions, contexts, and contents visible to ourselves. As if from such boldness of ownership rights, others can see and become inspired and motivated by our Defragging of New and Different #HOWs (#HabitsOverWishing).

Unfortunately, there is an unconscious, inflexible competition between how many of us will choose Habit Over Wishing vs. Wishing As Habit (#WAH). And, once again, not unlike most of our fragmented systems of ideas, the habit of wishing has become yet another among the #AtrophyOfWORTH. WAH Complacency is a norm, where too many of us are contented to choose Purposes Achievable over Purposes Attainable. Even with the distinctions clearly explained and many times demonstrated. The numbers remain in favor of those who refuse to apply the mental and emotional effort to reverse WAH for HOW with only one thinking choice: I am, in spite of obstacles, the owner of my choices and captain of my WORTH.

Even now, I write to re-read and renew my #Oath2PurposesAttainable, so I can keep applying myself as the potential I am and avoid becoming a victim to the Atrophy of WORTH. However, because of the World Wide Web, I am often sharing words with some of those choosing to abandon their Ownership Rights Through Hardships, and bold they are with rage against themselves—strong, righteous, and Godfearing. Boisterously defending their chosen #SystemOfBrokenness: I Am Not As Educated, So…. I Am Black, So…. I Was Abused, So…. I Have No Luck, So…. My Parents Were Racists, So…. I Did Time, So…. I Know Jesus, So…. I Know Allah, So…. I Didn't Have A Good Childhood, So…. I Am Brown, So…. I Have A Learning Disability, So…. I Am Poor, So…. Why Me? And the atrophy goes on and on and on.

Choosing WAH means every day we are willing to explain to ourselves why the fear of change keeps our mind attached to failure as armor against choosing from our list of Intrinsic WORTH (#iWORTH) at least imaginary courage of self-love. To exist lacking ownership pride is to spend our entire life wishing, blaming, and telling stories about our brokenness is a choice to move from a #StateOfHope to a #StayOfBeingStraggler: a proud owner of WAH.

Our internal, infectious Systems of Brokenness are viruses of mind and not of will, spirit, or oath. A broken parent with sincere intentions to love would often license their brokenness with cruel, honest words and acts of abuse because their minds were trained with indelibly staining words of self-loathing through acts of abuse. Over time, the toxic, controlling words for silencing a child's voice become yet another licensed passing of commencing brokenness: You're so useless. You're like your father, a disappointment. You're like your mother, a disappointment. You won't like it if I treat you the way you deserve. You'll be ah nothing and ah nobody, like your father. Do it, die, or run away. I wish I never had children. And I could go on and on. In fact, as I stumble through my graveyard of taught self-loathing words and emotions, I have long since buried—some more than six feet, and others only with an inch of soil.

?Nonetheless, I have long since claimed ownership rights to all of them. So, here I am on this rite of passage revisit to help me express one of my many intentions for writing this installment on Fixing to Fit; the word, {broken—brokenness} still stirs residue of childhood shame. When I think of broken, my brokenness, the first meaning that comes to mind is from the dictionary: (of a person) having given up all hope; despairing.

I still ache from the wounds of my childhood torturing when religion owned most of the approvals I should have learned to give my younger mind. Onward to unclear purposes, I struggled to think as they said I should because my #riithinking displeased the fragile gods they made with wings of lead while forcing hopefuls to look toward the sky for their improbable soaring.

Baptized to follow but not lose my head, I would intrinsically challenge their craving for authority to not acknowledge people like me. When insisting that all march toward cliffs of yesterday's stupidities from which brave fools jumped, their individuality was never seen again. What right did they have to claim that I had no right to #riithink while my inner voice screamed out from rage and frustration at how profoundly toxic I had become in their company? Unlike many, I was also led by hope to experience hopelessness in the company of architects of systems of futility for people like me.

In my search for better, my mind and imagination insisted I had allowed control of my thinking through the seduction of great gospel songs, fancy robes, expensive suits, and symbols to the story of one great sacrifice. I had eaten the cross buns, allowed the laying of hands, believed the lies, and joined the choir and sang suicidal choruses and verses about the better we could embrace in life after death for enduring suffering in the name of too many owners.

Yes, I wanted the visible power given by invisible claims through secret sign language taught to the fortunate, the lucky, the saved, and the rich children of those who performed like female dogs and demigods supporting systems for only their chosen kind.

When religion owned most of my guilt, shame, fear, immature wanting, and reasons for my unskilled emotional insurrections, I waited in the shadows of imagined change for God's light of approval for whom I should become. When overwhelmed by the feeling of brokenness, I often cried out, hoping that hope never consider my whimpering moments of betrayal as premeditated and abandon me. I would constantly disappoint opportunity by pushing faith to hide my courage, cowardice, and vulnerability – trusting that if any god were real, my secret cries to change would be heard, if only for the thought of having the right to be heard.

Of course, I am older now, and everything and nothing has changed: I still struggle with self-permission, my mind is still my mind, religion is still religion, and I am still learning from guilt, shame, and fear, but now I have better words than {why me?} to bring recognition to my emotional insurrections. Now, it's easier to explain why brokenness, hope, faith, courage, cowardice, vulnerability, and gods will remain the same and different. Now, I am better at recognizing infinite from finite systems, infinite from finite thinkers, and why, when, where, how, and with whom to share or lend my infinite and finite WORTH.

I am bold to assert that we must be different with WORTH Distribution in how we measure and assess our fragmented knowledge: talents, skills, effort, timing, and coordinated habits to mastery for Holding Intentional Space in when to be personal, how to be individual, and where to be collective. Only after such personal, individual, and collective mastery of WORTH Distribution, we can begin to separate the achievable from the attainable.

On this particular pilgrimage of choice: #Fixing2FitNewHOWs, it is imperative to recognize, understand, respect, and appreciate my intent, context, content, language, application, and processes for finite results. My sharing and lending of this philosophical Claim, The Critical W.O.R.T.H. Theory, is to introduce you, the reader, to my lifetime endeavor: Building A Culture of Personal, Individual, and Collective Wellness Through the Emotional Intelligence of W.O.R.T.H. 2 W.O.R.T.H.H. Ownership Rights Through Hardships.

Suppose we begin by fitting personal and individual new habits instead of wishing we could. In that case, our collective attempts will begin from the purpose attained: #OUS (#OurUnitedStrengths) through common effort and not typical wishing. So, when we hold space with each other to speak from our personal or individual efficacies, we are better qualified to listen to each other and to be bold with recognition, understanding, respect, appreciation, acceptance, availability, and the willingness to adapt to fit shared growth.

Of course, religiously trained in {the art of certitude in doubt}, we all want to start a new religion because we all think: {I could do better}. Many years ago, in an exercise of jest, we thought for a moment, if we wanted to start a new religious endeavor, what would it be? Our working title was The Hopefuls. The tagline, Keepers Fixing to Fit. The "we" of which I write is the unbreakable trinity that is our constant gathering: Me, Myself, and I. Me is that restless child from wanting. Myself is the #riithinker of this temporary space. And, of course, I am the imagined master of my fate and captain of my WORTH. And that was the beginning and the ending of our religious ambitions. So, let’s talk Philosophy of a WORTH Mindset.

Until the next time, here is another of my summaries:

Within the nature of this continuum, fixing is a constant impulse, and there is no one fix of any one thing among so many different voices. However, whenever stirred to #Fix2Fit, I would adjust my mindset and ask and answer these three questions:

1.?????????Have I chosen the right purposes attainable over those big purposes achievable?

2.?????????If I can't hold space for change where all are invited and welcomed, my space is contaminated, and I am not representing the full potential of my ownership rights through hardships?

3.?????????Do I know that my everything could be shattered by one act and without notice while I maneuver through my brokenness to choose purposes achievable that I will never attain?

?If you want to create divisiveness under the guise of {we the people}, change the rules of broken systems. If you want to hear the diverse voices of all people in the pursuit of #Adversity2Legacy, change the systems.

?#WealthThroughAdversity2Legacy #BrandingWORTH #CriticalWorthTheory #CriticalWorth


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