Fixing Docker Temporary Failure In Name Resolution When Pulling Images

Fixing Docker Temporary Failure In Name Resolution When Pulling Images

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Yeah, Can you fix it now? ??, I have these personal servers, After I login to the server and decided to pull an image, I was having this error:

Error response from daemon: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while 
awaiting headers)

The first thing I did was pinging to see, If I have any network issue or so. And everything was fine, I also tried adding a DNS to the docker daemon which didn't worked out, So I tried another server on same network with a different distro, The first one was running CentOS and the second one was running Ubuntu, Same error, But in one of the error I encountered in one of the server when pulling the image was cloudflare related issue cant' remember, I came across a solution that said I should add a Google DNS server to resolv.conf, Then I remembered there was a new DNS entry to our corporate network, Then I checked it, The DNS was there, I removed it and trying pulling with Cloudflare and still error persists, I removed it and added Google DNS which fixed the error.

How To Fix The Error

Login in to your server

vim /etc/resolv.conf

And Add this


And save, Now trying pulling the image, You should be fine.


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