IT - Fixing black screen background
Many IT departments in various organizations are facing a daily issues, some are frequently repeatable and many are very rare to occur. hint; don't treat computers as a "smart", this is marketing people always love to use this word.
So, i received a call from my friend in IT department (like me) working with different organization, and complain that they are receiving a daily request tickets to fix a Black background screen.
[Example image] After asking certain questions, i came to a conclusion that their IT department has a poor communication. And i need to not to show him how to fix this issue manual, instead i wrote a Powershell script to mitigate the Technicians' time waste which indirectly saving extra cost and headache.
I have this great mental, that if you find a small issue try to fix the root cause and think of fixing it on a massive scale (thousands of computers).
Here you go:
$UserThemesPath = Get-WmiObject win32_userprofile | where { -not $_.special } | select -expand localpath | foreach {"$_\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes"} foreach ($LocalPath in $UserThemesPath) { If (Test-Path $LocalPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) { $destination = Join-Path $LocalPath 'CachedFiles' $fileToCheckD = (Get-ChildItem $destination -Recurse -Include "*.*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) foreach ($SoloImg in $fileToCheckD) { $bas64Image = "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 ....# Missing code due to larg data (download the file from below URLs) If ($bas64Image) { #$tmpImage = "$env:TEMP\tmpImage.png" [byte[]]$Bytes = [convert]::FromBase64String($bas64Image) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($SoloImg,$Bytes) # Parmenent user Wallpaper $PrmntWallpaper = "$LocalPath\BG_Image.jpg" [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($PrmntWallpaper,$Bytes) write-host $SoloImg Write-Host $PrmntWallpaper } $RegKey = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" New-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey -name Wallpaper -value "$LocalPath\BG_Image.jpg" -PropertyType String -Force } } }
You may download the script from one of below URLs and follow the instructions.
What you need for a successful implementation? follow my instructions:
- Run the script with Admin privileges.
- Better to implement the script via Endpoint Management such; SCCM or else.
- Make sure to sign the script; either organization certificate or unrestricted the powershell policy.
Let me know what do you think, and how did you avoid the issue to effect your end-users.
Best Regards,
IT Asset Management and Service Management Professional.
4 年????