Fixed wheel gate Rubber Seal Replacement
While engaged in the inspection phase of the Tarbela 4th Extension Project, we evaluated the current condition of the service and bulkhead gates installed at the tunnel inlet. Our inspection revealed one significant issue:
The fixed-wheel gates are substantial in size, measuring 15.5 feet by 46.5 feet, and are hydraulically operated, each weighing 177 tons (or 177,000 kg). Each gate is equipped with 34 wheels, with 17 on each side, making the task particularly challenging. Remarkably, despite being installed in a damp environment over five decades ago in 1972-73, the gates exhibited minimal wear and tear.
The most demanding aspect of this project was removing the connecting pins attached to the clip plates, which had jammed and posed difficulty during extraction. Ultimately, with available spare parts, the seal replacement was successfully executed."