Fix For Poor Performing Employees
Recently Cindy @LadyBoss asked: Is there a way to know in advance if an employee is about to begin underperforming. And how do you prevent that from happening??
I think there’s a lot of ways to tell if an employee is a poor performer, or if they’re about to become a poor performer.
But without a doubt I’d?say that – even without knowing someone personally – there’s traits that I’m hypersensitive to, because I know?they’re?traits of someone who’s probably going to slow things down for the other people in my company.?
And the biggest one?-?I call – the tennis player.??
The tennis player is?someone on your team – whether they’re an employee or a vendor or an independent contractor – who always finds a way to lob the ball back into your court.?
So?if they get handed a project,?instead of taking ownership of that project and getting it done…?they come back and tell me all the things they need?before they can get started…?
…or if they get a task to do, they ALWAYS seem to require someone else?on the team?to take an action?BEFORE?they?take action.?
Let me give you an example of this…?
When?I first started in business, I went through a bunch of personal assistants,?because,?I didn’t know how to find one that would literally make me more productive. It was a process, and I learned a little from every assistant I had. (Finally I found Emily – who’s?now?been with me for nearly 18 years.)
But I remember one of my first assistants was a “tennis player” – I’d ask her to set up meetings for me, and she’d?first need ME to send her all the contact details for each person?in the meeting…?instead of taking a minute?herself,?and figuring out how to log in and get?those details.
I?remember asking?her to order a new chair for my office –?and?I told her the kind I wanted, the color I wanted, and?I thought I gave her EVERYTHING she needed to get it for me by the end of the week… so she should have been able to order it?THAT DAY.
However, during our morning meeting the FOLLOWING day, she brought pictures… now?you have to understand -?there weren’t multiple chairs to choose from – she brought pictures?of the ONLY chair they had that fit what I wanted, so I could see it?before she ordered it?(lobbing the ball back in my court).?
Now you might think she was just trying to do a good job and make sure she ordered the exact chair I wanted, but it didn’t stop there.?Because after I saw the picture and REMINDED her that I wanted the chair by the end of the week….?
Instead of?CALLING?the company and ordering the chair –?instead?she?EMAILED?the company and asked if they had one in stock?and waited a day for their reply, then came to our FRIDAY meeting and told me about how great the customer support is at that company, and she told me about the several emails they had back and forth?(lobbing the ball back and forth).
Her next questions literally made my eye twitch…?because on Friday – the day we discussed having the chair already in my office - she?said,?“they wanted?to know if?I would like?to finance the chair” and?then she told me?about the new finance option they have where I don’t have to pay anything for the first few months, if I qualify!?
Needless to say – that assistant did NOT make me more productive, and I did NOT get that chair that week.?
Here’s what I did…?I?picked up the phone and?called the company while she sat in my office…?and?I?ordered the chair myself and had it rushed so it arrived by Monday.?
And?even though she did not last long in our?employment,?still to this day,?when I sit in that?chair?I think of her, but not in a bad way ??. I’m?just?grateful for everyone?else?on my team who are rock stars!?Who take a project and run with it – thinking outside the box, getting creative if necessary – and getting it?done.?
A tennis player in business, is someone who keeps lobbing the ball back into?your court, and never takes ownership of getting DONE what needs to be DONE.?
And by the way – that’s a trait that is NOT exclusive to a new employee – your current team can fall into that RUT as well.??
That’s why we celebrate everyone on our team for doing the DAILY tasks that help us reach our targets. Because when someone goes too long, without being celebrated or acknowledged for the good things they’re doing – they either become tennis players on your team, or they start posting their resume and looking for another business to work for where their hard work will be noticed.?
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