Fix creative block in a fast-paced world.
Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to Dimi's Digital Digest, it's been a hot minute since I've sat down on Linkedin to write an article. Whilst there are many exciting reasons, it's also been because I've been dealing with a heavy dose of creative block. I'm sure we've all had it but for those fortunate enough to not have had it maybe this is not the article for you this time round!
Creative block can be categorized in two different ways from my experience, it can either be because you are burnt out from too much work. Or because you are pressured into being creative a lot of the time, this is usually what most people deal with because in the modern world, we live in we are expected to constantly generate creativity.
One day you are full of optimism, an array of creative thoughts and ideas. Then suddenly, pessimism creeps in and smacks you in the face with a harsh reality. I can't quite put my finger on the last time I had creative block this bad but having finally climbed the last rung of the creative block ladder I thought I would make this week's article about my journey back to 'Dimi'.
Firstly, my creative block came from overworking myself silly. Making a podcast every week is no easy business especially when results start to roll in. We would meet at the start of the week to generate ideas, be filming by Tuesday and then Alex Velez would get straight to the editing of it all. My role was a little less strenuous admittedly repurposing Alex's main episodes into shorter-form content. The problem began when I started closely following our results, a small burst of serotonin would enter my brain if I saw the first 1000 views.
Once one video does well you finally feel as if you've figured the algorithm out once and for all, and you start to imagine your YouTube success and fame are going to shortly kick off. Then suddenly the next day comes and you have to start the process from scratch, I talked about this in one of our episodes YouTube has now become a cesspit of algorithmic-based ideas which can also wreak havoc on creativity. Quashing your desire and need to be creative to conform to the algorithm is what did it for me. Below is the full episode if you'd like to hear a deeper dive into the current state of YouTube.
Now with all that said, I don't want to seem ungrateful for the opportunities and immense amount of learning YouTube / the CreatorPad podcast has provided me.
Firstly a huge thankyou to Luke Himmelsbach even when the storm came, I feel as if Luke's ability to motivate me helped incredibly. Thankyou to Dylan Wilczkowiak for the opportunity and i'm excited to see what Creatorpad will evolve into.
Now getting onto the advice, I'd firstly like to do a little psychological exercise I learned during the positive psychology course I attended last year.
Learned optimism vs learned pessimism:
naturally, we are living beings we have brains that remember patterns and jump to conclusions based on previous experience. It's with that said oftentimes your brain shuts down because it thinks it's going to get hurt or sometimes turns creativity into negativity because the same process happens.
Have you ever been sweeping your floor and there is a small woodlouse that gets scared and pretends to play dead by curling up into a ball? That's basically what's happening to your brain when your learned pessimism kicks in.
So knowing this now, how do we combat learned pessimism?:
Here is the great thing, it's learned so it can only ever be unlearned by a process of elimination and that's exactly where learned optimism comes into play. Think back to something really bad that happened to you and now have that in your head. Now think of the positives that came from it, I know this for some people might be quite difficult and I'm not saying this could be as easy as it sounds especially for those that sometimes need professional help a big disclaimer this is no substitute for that. However, with the right reframing of negative situations, you will start to notice your brain being more optimistic which in turn boosts creativity. If you are struggling with ideas on how to reframe negative situations that have happened to you I will help in some short prompts below.
On losing jobs: Sure you may have lost the job but what did you learn in the process, it's not always you to blame it could be internal issues, you could be overqualified or maybe not an ideal fit for that team based on your unique skills and personality. You now have a chance to breathe, realign your career with your personality and thoughts and take some time to learn more skills if you feel fit. A bigger opportunity always presents itself, the famous saying goes one door closes another opens or 10 doors you never know?!
On lots of feedback coming for a project: This one is tough to deal with and we all know that. Firstly separate your personal feelings from your work produced, although someone doesn't fully agree with your work it doesn't mean they don't like you as a person. You want the work to be as best as it can possibly so sometimes going through grueling feedback rounds can actually be a nice feeling in the end once the final product is live. Keep reminding yourself it's worth it :)
On your idea being rejected: Maybe the decision maker was really close to picking your idea. Realistically your idea was your own creation, how amazing is that you should be grateful for the fact that you can generate ideas.
On not feeling connected to your project: Connect directly with the person who is managing the project. Stay after hours talking to them about life, you want to understand there reason why. A formula created by Simon Sinek to enhance the marketing strategy and growth within your company. You see understanding why you do something will help you effectively communicate the idea that you are trying to bring to life. That's why you should really consider your 'why' a lot of the time you will surprise yourself and learn a lot about human psychology.
On losing your patience with a colleague: Losing patience with a colleague can be really difficult, if not careful it can sometimes cost you your job. It's both parties best interest to have an emotionally mature conversation as two adults. Depending on how big the disagreement was it might be best to have another colleague mediate. You want to find the best resolution here, pehaps your colleague is struggling in there home life. See if you can do anything to help out or be mindful of.
Here is a curated list of tips and tricks to fight off the pesky creative block. Whilst not perfect, I feel a healthy amount of creative block will help you ride the highs of creativity when it comes!
Stay healthy and hope you are flourishing!