Fix these 5 common mistakes in your resume
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RECRUITING: While many professionals may think they know what a resume should look like, they may have outdated rules for themselves, notes Toni Frana, M.S. , career expert at FlexJobs .
"Things like listing an objective statement
PROMOTIONS: Over half of Gen Z expected to be promoted every 12-18 months, according to a poll from recruiting company 华德士 . To keep Gen Z placated, some employers are turning to "title inflation," the process of giving employees more senior sounding job titles without the experience, skills or salaries to match.
"The younger workforce is beginning to take their second or third or fourth steps in their career, and they're very entrepreneurial about how they approach work by wanting to put their own stamp on things," says
Adam Woolley
, associate director at Robert Walters. "They're looking for that inflated job title
EDUCATION: "I only went to college for two semesters, then worked in sales for nearly seven years, and then stayed home to be a full-time parent for almost a decade. Soon after that, I went back into the workforce, and now I'm an executive at one of the biggest technology companies in the world," writes Katie Mevis , the head of North America high growth market at SAP .
Mevis shares some key moments — and corresponding lessons — from her career, before showing how those can be applied to today's shifting hiring strategies and evolving business trends to prove a traditional path isn't the only way to be successful.