Fiverr's Exciting 2024 Update
Stay informed with our latest updates designed to provide clarity and confidence as you navigate your journey on Fiverr.
1. Introducing the New Freelancer Level System
Exciting news! Our revamped freelancer-level system is now live on the platform. You have a 30-day transition period, starting today, to explore the new system, review your status, and optimize your metrics as necessary. It's your chance to shine brighter than ever before!
While your level in the old system will remain visible to clients until March 14, we encourage you to focus on maintaining or improving your standing in the new level system. During this period, you can still access the old system if needed. Learn more about the new level system and transition period Here.
2. Testing Changes to Ratings & Reviews
We're continuously working to enhance Fiverr's ratings & reviews system. Currently, we're testing new improvements to alleviate the pressure of achieving a perfect 5-star rating. The previous system often resulted in near-perfect scores, making it difficult for outstanding work to stand out. We're adjusting the benchmark to ensure ratings accurately reflect performance, setting clearer expectations with clients and providing greater transparency for freelancers.
To achieve this, we're testing changes in how public ratings are calculated. Ratings will now consider feedback from the last 2 years instead of lifetime ratings, providing a more realistic view of performance. Additionally, we'll test a new calculation method for public ratings that incorporates historical private feedback, aiming to present a more holistic view of client feedback and enhance the reliability of ratings as a decision-making tool. These adjustments may impact public rating scores platform-wide.
We're conducting these tests to ensure fairness across the marketplace, with adjustments being universally applied to all freelancers. These changes aim to create a more diverse rating landscape, showcasing exceptional work and fostering trust on Fiverr to generate more business for you.
Your Feedback Matters!
We value your feedback on previous changes to the public rating and review system. Your insights have already led to positive outcomes, including a consistent form response rate and stable scores across all price ranges for the value-for-money question. We're committed to addressing your concerns and will conduct further tests to find solutions that benefit all Fiverr users.
Rest assured, we'll keep you updated transparently and honestly, ensuring you're involved in our decision-making process at Fiverr.
Ready to Thrive on Fiverr? Explore these updates and more on your Fiverr profile: MD USMAN. Seize the opportunity to grow, evolve, and succeed in the ever-changing landscape of freelancing!