Five years ago today, I was made.

Five years ago today, I was made.

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This photo was taken by Susan exactly five years ago today. At the time, all I wanted was to become a top creative designer in the country. The dream was to attract clients of the calibre of Safaricom and similar players. What I hadn't grasped yet was the fact that I was destined for so much more, and I will tell you why.

A lot has happened in the five years I'm celebrating today. While life on earth loves to create a certain balance between positives and negatives, it leaves us with the choice of what our response should be. All our lives we are conditioned to perceive negative as bad and positive as good. So that when things are going bad, all you know is to feel the despair, break down and give up all hope. And when they are going good, celebrate, make merry and sleep with your shoes on!

We have called this 'human nature' because it is the most reasonable set of responses that make sense to our complex brain system. However, the same system presents the ability to reimagine things, create your own path and set rules for your own 'human nature' which determines your disposition in every single second of your life. Then you begin questioning things around you, history, culture, systems, norms, society and basically anything that you can see or feel. You begin to understand how life actually works, how every single decision you make - however small and seemingly meaningless - totally changes the trajectory of the rest of your life and your interaction with what you can see or feel. I will not go into that science, not today. But let's just say I learnt this lesson the hard way.

Through the hard way, my eyes were opened to the world! For the first time, I looked around and actually saw things, listened and felt the realness of it all. At that moment, I saw all the decisions I have made, I saw my path and what it could be, I saw life and what it means, I saw a certain light that brought clarity to every decision I have made since then. I understood that what happens internally, to me, is entirely under my control and it was up to me to decide and choose.

It may have felt too late, but I chose to start afresh and restructure my whole life.

It may have felt painful, but I chose to accept that some people were not meant for me.

It may have felt lonely, but I chose to be alone with myself to know self-love before giving it out.

It may have felt draining, but I chose to build an organisation that's reimagining how creativity is applied in business processes.

It may have felt daunting, but I chose to help create a platform for theatre artists like me to thrive on and grow wings to stardom.

It may have felt overwhelming, but I chose to be part of a movement towards global physical wellness, health and productivity.

It may have felt difficult, but I chose entrepreneurship to create solutions for impact on so much more and bigger things than myself.

It may have felt like what it felt like, but today I choose to celebrate the choices I have made. They have carved a joyous path that's steadily widening up and creating room for bigger dreams. They have given me friends, able partners and colleagues. They have given me access to faces of hope, spaces of opportunity and places of value. They have enabled a consistency in growth and progress, so much that these five years seem so small for achievements so big. They have made Safaricom no longer a potential client but a potential partner.

Progress is the choice you make after your previous choice 'failed to work'.

Watch out for Creative Age , watch out for the Kenya International Theatre Festival , watch out for the Kenya Theatre Awards , watch out for Mofit .

The future has just begun.


