Five Ways That Writing a Book Will Take You to the Next Level!
by Daniel Rondberg, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Agent

Five Ways That Writing a Book Will Take You to the Next Level!

Ways That Writing A Book Will Take You To The Next Level   

                 I work in an agency that my father owns. He rents space in a building with other financial companies. One day I was working in my office and I noticed that an executive from one of the other companies was in my father’s office and they were talking.  Once he left, I went in and asked why he stopped by.  Dad replied, “Oh, he just stopped in to brag about how much he’s making from his book.” Being a younger and new producer at the time, I thought that sounded like a great idea.  Someday, I thought, I’ll write a book, too. A week later I ran into the executive in the hallway. I stopped him and said, “Hey, I tried to buy your book on Amazon, but I couldn’t find it. My dad said you’re doing really well with it. Where can I get a copy?” He looked confused. “What are you talking about? I never wrote a boo-.” Then, he stopped mid-sentence and started laughing. “Oh! My book of business!” At this point tears were welling up in his eyes, he was laughing so hard at me. “That’s a good one.” He said as he pushed past me on down the hallway, still laughing.

                 I may have embarrassed myself that day, but I did, in fact, go on to write a book. (Actually, three books, and counting, now!) Here is what I discovered in that process, that will take your business and production to the next level. 

1: Referrals - Your book is a conduit to more referrals!

Hands down, my book is now the easiest way to get referrals. Once your clients learn that you wrote a book, they will be impressed and happy for you.  If you give them copies, they will share it with their family and friends.  If a client called and said they’d like to buy some of my books for their kids; I shipped them a box. This is by far, the most effective way to get referrals, because they literally hand their loved ones: your message on how to solve their problems, your unique ability to help them, and your contact information.

2. Credibility - As an author, you gain instant credibility!

It is amazing to me the transformation that occurs when you write a book. I feel like we tend to put authors on a bit of a pedestal.  As soon as people find out you have a book, even if you just self-publish on Amazon and it’s a terrible book, people still feel that it is a great accomplishment.  It will definitely distinguish you above the pack.  It is also a great tool to incorporate at your seminars, it is powerful to send your guests home with copies.  Even if they don’t make an appointment, now they have a second chance to read something in your book that they did not pick up on at your event and they can call you to visit on it. People always want access to the author. It provides a special and exclusive experience for the reader.

3: Passive Income - Once your book is on Amazon, people everywhere find it and buy it!

Even if you did not write your book strategically to grow your practice, you can still make a pretty good income from your book just on Amazon alone. I am in an author’s group and the average book earns no less than $200 per month. One author in our group makes $30,000 per month from just one book.  He is really in another league, and he wrote about a very sensationalized topic, but even $200 per month off of a potentially $5,000-$10,000 project really is a good amount of cashflow on a monthly basis. In fact I find it hard to find anything that can produce a higher cashflow than 25-50%. If you write in a series, then that number will compound as well.

4: Communicate Your Firm’s Specialty - Your book's message sells YOU!

This is really why you write a book, if you are a financial advisor or insurance producer. You most likely have a specialty or a focus. Think of the book as if it is your appointment process. When you meet a new prospect you usually try to spark some interest. Here, you probably did that with the title and cover design. Now you want to set the stage, this would be your exposition, or like your initial consultation where you outline who you are and what you do. Then, the body of your writing is like your appointment process.  Finally, where they decide to take action in your meeting to move forward to work with you; this would be the books conclusion, with a call to action to seek your professional assistance with whatever their needs are.

5: Free Marketing - Your book is circulating - marketing you even when you aren't around!

There is something that authors are doing now called a self-liquidating offer. When done correctly; it’s free marketing. You build a webpage that showcases a video offering your brand-new book, for free, they just pay for shipping and handling. The shipping and handling fee is usually around $7.00, which covers printing, fulfillment, and the marketing costs for ads that you run to the website. You can literally market the book for free.

This may all sound complex and you’re probably thinking, “When would I have time to write a book?” It’s not difficult, it only requires you to take action.  There are companies that will ghostwrite, edit, format, arrange your sales page on Amazon, and they can even make you a bestselling author! The same goes for the free plus shipping book funnel. There are companies out there that will do the heavy lifting for you! You honestly could have a book completed within the next three to four months, with a weekly time commitment of five hours or less per week. It has never been easier to take your business to the next level by writing a book!


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