The Five Worst Things About Working Remotely (and How to Overcome Them)
Khizar Ilyas
SEO Overlord & Strategic Content Planner: I Bend Google to My Will with Smart SEO Tactics & Data-Driven Strategies!
When I started working remotely five years ago, I was convinced it was going to be the best thing ever. And for the most part, it is! I'm not going to lie, I love working remotely. I get to make my own schedule, work from anywhere in the world, and wear PJs to work every day if I want. But working remotely isn't all rainbows and butterflies. There are definitely some challenges that come along with it. Here are the five worst things about working remotely—and how to overcome them.
1. The Lines Between Home and Work Start to Blur
When you work from home, it can be hard to "turn off" at the end of the day. It's easy to bring work stress home with you and vice versa. Over time, this can lead to burnout and a decrease in productivity. To combat this, it's important to set clear boundaries between your work life and your home life. Make sure you have a dedicated space in your home that is just for work and make an effort to leave that space when you're done for the day. This will help you relax and enjoy your free time more fully.
2. Isolation and Loneliness
One of the hardest things about working remotely is the isolation and loneliness that comes along with it. When you're used to working in an office with colleagues, it can be tough to adjust to working by yourself at home all day. To combat this, I've made a point to schedule regular social outings with friends and family members—even if it's just grabbing coffee or going for a walk around the block. Additionally, there are tons of online communities for remote workers that can help you feel connected and less alone.?
3. Distractions Galore
When you work from home, there are a million potential distractions vying for your attention—from daytime TV to your fridge full of snacks. It can be tough to stay focused on work when there are so many other things calling your name. To stay on track, I like to create a daily list of tasks that need to be completed and then set a timer for each task. That way, I'm not tempted to stray from my work for too long.?
4. It's Easy to Get Burned Out
When you work remotely, it's easy to fall into the trap of working all the time—after all, there's no one around to tell you when it's quitting time. If you're not careful, you can quickly get burned out both mentally and physically from working too much. To combat this, I recommend taking regular breaks throughout the day—even if it's just a five-minute break to step outside or do some stretches. Additionally, make sure you're taking at least one day off per week (I like Sundays) so you can recharge and come back feeling refreshed on Monday morning.?
5. FOMO is real
"FOMO," or the Fear Of Missing Out, is definitely a real phenomenon when you work remotely. With social media being such a big part of our lives these days, it's easy to see what everyone else is doing 24/7—and feel like we're missing out on important events because we're stuck at home working. To combat this feeling, I try to remember that everyone has their own version of FOMO—even people who aren't working remotely! Just because someone is posting about their glamorous life on Instagram doesn't mean they don't have worries and stresses of their own.?
Overall, despite its challenges, I still think working remotely is pretty great! Yes, there are some tough things that come along with it—but in my opinion, they're totally outweighed by the benefits (like being able to wear PJs to work). If you're thinking about making the switch to remote work, definitely go for it! Just be prepared for a few bumps in the road along the way.