From the word “EXIT”, we can understand that the exit card is used at the end of the class. It is a type of formative assessment used to check students’ understanding at the end of a lesson. Exit cards can be used to get feedback from the teachers.


An exit Card or ticket can be used as a form of enquiry. Just like said earlier, it can be used to get feedback from the students on what they have learned during the lesson. Exciting ways include the?

“Tweet it Activity”

This is an interesting activity that will get the attention of especially teenagers because they're quite familiar with social media trends. You can even encourage them to use hashtags(asking them to suggest hashtags for their learning).

You can create a tweet deck which will be a series of comments that show the understanding of a unit or series of the learning sequence.

E-Mail(Enquiry Mail) Activity

In a bid to encourage students to develop 21st-century skills, you can ask the students to answer their exit ticket via email?

3 things that you understand from today's class

2 things you would like to learn more about

1 question I would love to ask about the lesson

X- Find the “X

As young children in school, we were used to questions such as Find the X in the equation below. Exit cards help you align your students to the objective and also give more clarity on the important things learnt in the lesson. As a teacher, it helps you find the X too by exposing what exactly your students don't understand from what has been taught. You can know when a child is not clear about a concept

The Let's Recap activity is a good way to Find the X.

Questions such as the following can be asked during plenary, especially using the Bloom Taxonomy order of questioning.?

The beauty of the Bloom Taxonomy Order of Questioning is that it makes the child think, revealing the important information that you need to know about the child’s understanding of the lesson.


The Reflection journal can also be used to make your students reflect and write their understanding of a lesson. This way as a teacher you can read between the lines and give the necessary feedback.. Google Docs is effective in that aspect.?

Post it, then Prove it

This is an interesting exit card for math. They can be asked to write a sum or equation and be asked to explain how they got the answer.

This can be adapted to the English language where they can answer a comprehension passage, inference task or grammar exercises

I- Inspiring

Exit cards can be created to inspire your learners. It is a way of promoting a growth mindset and helping them give their feedback or reveal their understanding of a lesson without feeling anxious. It can be a fun formative assessment.

This Emoji Exit Card is an interesting way to inspire learning in the lives of your students.?

Also the Traffic Light ?? activity is a subtle way of knowing if learning has taken place.?

Click here to get a template

They can circle their options or write their names against the options.?

T- Test and Get Feedback

Exit card is a way of testing your students and cannot be overemphasized as a way to get feedback from your students.

After the class, you can conduct a survey using Mentimeter to get feedback from your students.?

Also, you can create a Polling Unit activity on Kahoot. In a class without online activities, you can convert a shoe box into your polling unit. Write words like …

?? I understand this lesson perfectly?

?? I understand some concepts

?? I don’t understand at all.

Share a paper slip, the children write their names?and put it in the box of their choice. You can go through the contents later to know who may need reinforcement.

The Exit Cards activities are inexhaustible. In the comments below, share your favourite exit card activity. Also, which of these activities is new to you and you would like to try it out during the summer or in your next class?

A beautiful resource that also helped me in creating this is


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