Five ways loan officers can take their business to the next level
The difference between succeeding and thriving in this industry is proactively finding ways to take your business to the next level. Passively waiting for clients to find you isn’t an effective way to garner business.
So, what can loan officers do to bring clients in and build their business? Here are five ideas.
1. Look closely at numbers: It’s important to know exactly where your business is coming from and to familiarize yourself with key performance indicators to evaluate the success of your loan production. Spend time diving into your loan data and evaluating the status of your loans and sales to identify patterns and future opportunities for growth.
2. Use social media effectively: If you already have a social media presence, great! But do you know why you’re there and do you have a strategy behind the content that is being shared? Social media can be a powerful tool when used correctly, and when you’re providing valuable and relevant content to the target market, on the correct platform(s). Consider spending time each day on platforms like LinkedIn to work on relationships and to build your referral network both online and off.
3. Make Google work for you: The social media advertising marketplace is congested these days, but you can maximize your presence and take advantage of it by meeting your potential clients where they’re already spending a ton of time – searching on Google. Running ads through Google AdWords will likely give you a decent ROI when it comes to ad dollars, and will generate traffic to your website.
4. Don’t let downtime go to waste: It can be tempting to always focus on sales and feel the pull to the office, but it’s also just as important to build downtime into your calendar. Take the time to build relationships within the community you lend in and put in the effort to network with potential referral partners outside of your inbox.
5. Accept help: It’s true that behind every successful loan officer is a solid network. A successful mortgage business is a team effort, and you’ll soon realize that a healthy network of mentors, referral partners and association with a good mortgage company is the key to building a business that will thrive during peaks and survive during economic valleys.
At Premier Mortgage Resources, our top priority, individually and company-wide, is making sure our loan officers have the tools and resources they need to be successful. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need guidance! We’re all in this business together.