Five ways to create psychologically safe workplaces

Five ways to create psychologically safe workplaces

Ever since the pandemic occurred, lots of changes are happening in workplaces across the world. Psychological safety is one of them. Although many companies have been including it in their policy, there is still a long way to go.?

Psychological safety at work: When employees feel safe to share their thoughts, opinions, and ideas without fear of shame or embarrassment.?

Fostering psychological safety is as important as physical safety and performance standards. Without it, there will be a crash in employees’ productivity and creativity. As a whole, can take a toll on the company’s performance and revenue.?

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You can have a look at the two years study conducted by Google to understand the reason behind employees’ effectiveness at the workplace. Psychological safety tops the list. Dependability and structure & clarity rank two and three respectively.?

5 ways to create psychological safety at the workplace?

#1 Create an open communication culture: Workplaces that give employees a voice ensure a climate of transparency and honesty. They can share how they feel about work and aren’t scared to speak their minds. It may seem to be difficult but it’s the best ever thing that you can do for your workplace!

#2 It’s okay for your employees to make errors: When you see employees’ mistakes as failures, they avoid trying out new things. But, reframing it into an opportunity to grow lets them learn from their mistakes. As a result, they are clear about what they know best and what their blind spots are.?

#3 Suspend judgment and welcome all ideas and suggestions: You never know what ideas may work best for your business. Be open to your employees’ suggestions. While the final decision is on you, ensure that you are listening to them wholeheartedly.?

And in the end, don’t forget to thank and appreciate them for their contribution.?

#4 Welcome diverse teams at your workplace: It doesn’t matter how different you and your employees are from each other. At the workplace, you all are equal. You are contributing towards the same mission and vision of the organization.

Ensure that every employee feels connected and listens to each other’s diverse viewpoints.?

#5 Foster support between co-workers: Behind every happy employee, there are supportive co-workers (and managers too). And this can only be possible when you encourage collaboration and team-building activities. Let them bond with each other and ensure that they feel safe in the team.?

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