Five Underwriting Habits That Build Trust With Clients
There is enormous pressure put on real estate professionals to present trustworthy information. If you can’t justify that your data is reliable and accurate, how can anyone trust your results? The adage “garbage in, garbage out” certainly applies to every aspect of real estate analysis.
Whether you’re putting together a broker's opinion of value (BOV), seeking investment or explaining your assumptions to your team, here are five simple things you can do to support your assumptions on every analysis you underwrite.
1. Clearly define your market area.
One of the most subjective terms used in real estate is “the market.” When someone says that rents are "above market," what are they referring to? You can’t reasonably compare an asset to its market without first defining the market.
Clarifying how you have defined market boundaries provides additional context to your analysis. We utilize a technique called smart clustering. To summarize: You're going to need to choose a geographic area within which you compare rents, demographics and real estate trends.
Clarifying how you have defined market boundaries provides additional context to your analysis. Whether you are using neighborhoods, radial distance, zip codes or my personal favorite, "smart clustering" — that is, using the statistical similarity of adjacent Census Tracts based on the characteristics found within the tract to converge on the optimal “market” for the subject comparison — you're going to need to choose a geographic area within which you compare rents, demographics and real estate trends.
You don’t need to define the “perfect” market or comp set — there is arguably no perfect definition of a market or comp set. However, you do need to show your work. Explain the market area you’re using, your comp set and how you arrived at both.
2. Use multiple sources, and cite them.
Citing the sources of your data is an easy way to build credibility in your analysis. Working at a brokerage firm, I’ve seen firsthand the doubt that can be cast on an OMor BOV when the data presented doesn’t seem credible. When you include third-party information from a reputable source, you are able to leverage the trust and credibility of that source.
It’s still important to do your own due diligence to confirm the data used is accurate. Review multiple sources, document where information is sourced and be prepared to defend the veracity of the information.
Doing this consistently will build trust in your analyses and confidence in you as a real estate professional. Information that is unbiased will carry more weight when facing a skeptical audience.
3. List the number of data points.
This may seem obvious, but it is often overlooked. Always state the sample size when you are calculating an average or projecting a trend. The volume of data behind your figures makes a big difference in facilitating trust. What would you trust more, a market average rent based on five units or 500 units?
Both the Institute of Real Estate Management and the National Apartment Association clearly show the number of data points that went into each figure in their annual benchmark studies. These are industry-leading organizations with tens of thousands of members nationally — yet still, people want to see how many data points went into their numbers.
Simply including the number of data points behind each figure in your analyses is a great way to build trust.
4. List the rent survey date (or range of dates).
Whether you surveyed a property on a specific day or collected rent data over time, it's extremely important to state the data collection date. This will help validate that the analysis is using the most up-to-date information.
The real estate market is cyclical and seasonal, so an asset may appear to be performing well because the data was collected during a prime leasing season. Including a date or date range provides the context needed to understand the analysis.
5. Remove outliers.
When you are pulling advertised rents perhaps from revenue management systems, eliminating outliers is critical. By removing irregularities in your dataset, you are able to present a more accurate representation of historical trends and eliminate questions from your underlying data.
Pro Tip: Using Standard Deviation To Find Outliers: If you are trying to establish a historical trend, use the range of rents collected over time for a particular unit type in your subject. Within Excel calculate the average, and use the STDEV.P function to determine the standard deviation. Remove any data point that is two standard deviations above or below the average, then use the remaining data to calculate the moving average. Not only will you smooth the data and get better estimates of historical trends, but you'll also look like a rock star analyst when you talk about this in investment committee.
The adage “garbage in, garbage out” will always ring true. Hopefully, you'll find these five trust-building tips helpful in future underwriting. Gaining trust in your work is key to any analysis.