Five Types of Marketing Content To Use

Five Types of Marketing Content To Use

Content marketing is all the rage. Many marketers believe that content is the most important marketing tool they have, even more so than big data, SEO, marketing automation and social media. Why is this? Because savvy marketers recognize that it's content which deepens customer loyalty, engages customers, and generates and nurtures leads.

You're probably doing content marketing today. Are you sending customers emails? You're doing content marketing. Do you have a brochure? You're doing content marketing. In fact, you might already have loads of content. The issue isn't content itself. The real issue is how do you package and distribute that content in a way that engages prospects and customers alike and which ultimately leads to more sales.

72% of B2C marketers are producing more content than they were one year ago. — Content Marketing Institute

There are many ways to distribute your content. And with the rise of digital marketing, social networks and media platforms, there are more ways than ever for you to share it. You already know and probably use some of these, like emails and blog posts. What follows are five ways to distribute content which you might not have considered.

Case studies are a powerful content marketing tool which show how someone benefited from using your product. They typically feature a customer talking about a problem they faced and how they used your product to resolve that problem. Think of it as a customer testimonial on steroids.

The format for a case study is straightforward. First, state the problem a customer was facing before using your product. Next, state how they used your product to overcome that problem. Finally, state the results they achieved. It's that simple, problem, resolution, results. Don't deviate from it. It's a time tested formula that works.

Infographics have proliferated on the web. And the reason why is because they are a great content marketing tool to get information out. It's the old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words. A few pictures and the accompanying text in an Infographic can be worth a several thousand word length blog post.

Creating an infographic can be challenging. It requires both the skill of a writer and the flair of a graphic artist. That can be hard to find in one person and that's why the creation of an infographic best involves several people. What's more, they can be expensive. But these two facts shouldn't deter you from using this great content marketing tool.

White papers are a great way to help you establish stature and credibility for your product among an audience. When writing one, don't forget these two simple rules. The first is that the topic of the white paper must be of high interest to the prospect. If it's not, it won't be read. The second is that the white paper needs to position your product as the obvious solution.

Once you've created a white paper, don't just give it away. Get an email address or a phone number in return for it. Use the white paper as leverage to build your email list with. Then put that information in your CRM, follow up on it and begin engaging the prospect using similar information.

Nearly half, or 49%, of marketers are learning to drive content to align with the buyer’s journey.

Videos are one of the most engaging ways to share content. People love to watch them and they can be consumed across multiple platforms. However, some people are put off by creating video content. Don't be. Creating video content is easy. All you really need is a smartphone and an idea.

Before you create a video, know what you want to shoot and say. You don't have to storyboard it out, but sketch it out before shooting. And once you create a video, don't just put it up on your website. Add it to your YouTube channel. If you don't have one, create one. You can also embed your video content with other content you have, such as a blog post or an email, to create a more integrated marketing effort. 

Webinars are ideal for sharing more complex content that is best explained by a presentation or a discussion. What's more, the format of a webinar lends itself to audience engagement, with the audience being able to ask questions. Webinars are also cost effective because they allow you to reach an audience that might be difficult to bring together by other means.

When creating a webinar, think about the length. A webinar that is about 20 to 30 minutes with about 10 to 15 minutes of Q and A is ideal. Anything longer, you start losing the audience. Anything shorter might not give you enough time to cover the topic. Another tip; give the same webinar multiple times, varying the time and day of week. 

74% of marketers think that branded content is more effective than magazine advertisements, 69% say it’s superior to direct mail and PR.

These are just five ways to share your content. There are dozens of others ways to get it out. Pick one and get your content out because what content to create and how to get it out are some of the most important marketing decisions you face today.

Ned James has over 12 years of experience in product marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, SEO and other forms of marketing. You can connect with him on Linkedin, Twitter at @NedFL or email at [email protected]


