Five to Thrive Mashup: Business
Here I am out on a five exhibition with my family. We decided to get out of dodge and go explore the wilderness of Eastern Oregon, and we’re having a great time. What I’ve asked the team to do is put together a mashup of some of the best listener requests that we’ve had for Author of Your Own Story, with the over 100 Daily Growth Hacks we’ve had. I hope you enjoy these next couple of days. We’re going to revisit these older Daily Growth Hacks so you can go ahead and go back. If you haven’t heard them, go back and do the work, and get a chance to actually listen to them. Remember, go back and listen to the whole library while it’s still available.
Now, if you have heard these before, don’t worry. Doing the work again, you’ve changed, so you’re going to have a different outlook on each of these Daily Growth Hacks. That’s it for me, I’m out living my Author of My Own Story lifestyle, and I hope you’re doing the same.
Jay Abraham has something he talks about, which is your three ways to grow a business. Now, this is something that I use in all of my businesses on a regular basis, but I especially use it for my strategic planning, and when I’m performing my 90-day goals. First thing, what are the three ways? The three ways are to increase the number of customers. Obviously, number of customers or clients you have, increasing the base is one way. Number two is to increase the average transactional value. If somebody’s buying one widget, can you get them to buy another? One way to think about this is when you’re going to a grocery store, how often are you waiting in that line to checkout, and you grab a pack of gum, or a magazine, or something else that’s there? “Oh yeah, that’s right. I do need batteries,” or whatever it may be, a drink. You’re grabbing it with that.
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