Five things to remember during your interview process:
Zihad Milon
Team Leader| Senior Software Engineer | Senior Python Developer | Software Engineer | Operation Associate | Full-Stack Developer | AI Enthusiast | Automation Specialist | Assistant Researcher
1. Dress the part. Don’t give the interviewer an added reason to call you out for your youth. Dress professional and groom yourself properly. That means no crazy jewelry, no unruly hairstyles, and that very noticeable eyebrow piercing – you might want to take that out.
2. Keep an open mind. Very few people start off in their dream position, so go in for any interview you can. At the very least, you’ll be getting interview experience and building your ability to sell yourself. At best, you’ll find that great starter job.
3. Have reasonable expectations. You’re not going to making your dream salary right off the bat. Embrace the fact that you’ll have room to grow and accept offers that seems evenhanded.
4. Sell your experience. You don’t have to have been an executive to have important work under your belt. Internships, part-time jobs and student activities can often be used to exemplify certain skill sets.
5. Promote your assets. One of the biggest benefits of hiring a millennial is that we are essentially blank pallets. Remind your interviewer that your youth and freshness is more asset than liability. As long as you learn quickly (and I’m sure you do) they can shape you to fit the company how they would like.
Source: Monster