Five Things: AI, Classified Documents, Air Conditioning, Ted Lasso, Baseball Caps

Five Things: AI, Classified Documents, Air Conditioning, Ted Lasso, Baseball Caps

It’s Sunday Morning and this is the latest edition of Five Things!???

Hi, my name is Nico and I’m a very curious person who likes reading great journalism, well argued opinion pieces and lengthy articles full of research. Every Sunday I put together an email with links to five articles which I find really interesting. The selection of the articles is based on my current interests. I sincerely hope that you find these articles as worthwile your time as I did. I don’t wan’t to ruin your Sunday. ??

Head on over to Five Things and subscribe to my newsletter - you'll get Five Things AI on Friday, Five Things Tech on Saturday, the original Five Things on Sunday and you can start the week with Five Things Running on Monday. Why am I doing this? Because I'm interested in these topics and like to curate articles for my readers!

This Thursday was Ascencion Day, one of the many religious holidays in Germany that people don’t know why they are there. So this holiday has been turned into Father’s Day a long time ago, which has been turned into a day of heavy drinking involving large groups of loud and obnoxious men a while ago. Traditions, so important.

Anyhow, we had Thursday and Friday off and also our school kids were on vacation, which is always very relaxing as we don’t have to get up early in the morning. I did managing to read a bunch of really interesting articles and I hope you liked what I picked for you.

Have a great Sunday and enjoy Five Things! ???

My students are using AI to cheat. Here’s why it’s a teachable moment

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This is a really smart approach to teach students how to deal with AI, and this quote from the article is really worth remembering: “One of the reasons so many people suddenly care about artificial intelligence is that we love panicking about things we don’t understand. Misunderstanding allows us to project spectacular dangers on to the future.” (The Guardian )

A Global Scavenger Hunt for Classified Documents Pits Gamers vs. U.S.

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Interesting how Discord and the gaming scene are now the center of attention when it comes to classified information. Not all people will think this is just fun and games. (Wall Street Journal )

A billion new air conditioners will save lives but cook the planet

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As the world gets hotter, more and more people need air conditioning in order to stay cooler. This will make the lifes of lots of people much better and increase productivity in the workplace. Unfortunately this will also increase global warming as lots of energy is needed to power the AC units, not to mention the really harmful refrigerant that’s being used in lots of the cheaper units. Hopefully new tech can solve this issue quickly. (The Japan Times )

Ted Lasso, Holy Fool

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“There is a kind of magic at work in Ted Lasso’s life. When everyone else seems to be carried along by the powerful riptides of ambition, vanity, fame, jadedness and contempt, it startles us when someone swims upstream against the current.” - I love this show. (The New York Times )

The long, strange history of the baseball cap

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As someone who likes to wear a baseball cap I really appreciate this writeup. My wife thinks I have too many caps, but I don’t think that’s possible. (MLB )

Have a great Sunday! And don't forget to subscribe to Five Things!

Michael Green

Attorney Referred Service

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