Five #takeaways from ResearchED Amsterdam 2018
Rachel Iles
Exploring learning across sectors. I help organisations and individuals identify opportunities for learning with, and from each other.
Early on a Saturday in January, hundreds of people connected by a shared interest in 'education & research' made their way to the Hermann Wesselink College in Amstelveen for some #SaturdayLearning. The day offered an extensive program of speakers and workshops, hosted by the #ResearchED_AMS Team and ResearchED founder Tom Bennett. [Full post here].
Part of the ResearchED community strength is in the nature of researchers sharing their knowledge and practice with others who may then reflect upon and adopt items, subsequently sharing the outcomes/ideas within their learning community. With that in mind, I decided I'd capture some of my own #takeaways, links and reading references from the day.
My five main #takeaways from the day, plus links and reading references can be found here on Adobe Spark.
If you found this post useful and have any #takeaways of your own to share, I'd love to read about them here on Linkedin, via Twitter or comments on the blog.