Peter Collins
Mentor ~ Coach ~ Acclaimed Author ~ Sales Strategist ~ Closing Specialist - High End Sales Trainer
(An extract Peter Collins Article Archive of over 3,000 Articles gathered from over 40 years of Sales Research).
Over my years of training, mentoring and managing salespeople, whenever I have mentioned presentation, I mostly hear that “it’s no big deal” because they do it every day of the week. Conversely, with the supersellers I know, they would mostly consider the presentation as a vital part of the selling process.
To stay on the subject, those who consider the presentation “no big deal” are the same ones that also regard their closing rate “no big deal” as well. Why? Because their closing rate is generally “NO BIG DEAL,” whereas, a superseller considers his or hers closing rate the yard stick they run their sales life by. It’s also what gives them the high incomes they enjoy.
Another factor to be mindful of here, is that professionals do not ever work generalised presentations, in deference, they always work with personalised presentations, or another way of putting it is, presentations personalised to suit the prospect, their needs, their wants and the things that will work best for them. Generalise presentations, in the main, may address one or two of those factors, but never the lot.
Becoming a top flight professional salesperson is never an accidental happening or something you might be luck enough to fall into. It’s because becoming a top flight professional salesperson requires hard work, a good work ethic, dedication and constant monitoring – to ensure they are and stay on track.
That’s why, a good presentation is a step in the right direction, and that’s why it is important every salesperson takes the time to read through the five points presented here.
1. Don’t Get Sidetracked
One of the easiest things I find common amongst average sellers is their ability to get side-tracked. On the other hand - The professional knows why he or she is selling and won't let anything distract them
Professionals will tune out all exterior elements not relevant to the sale; be totally aware of the prospects actions and re-actions all the time; ringing telephones and other interruptions will not bother them or their presentation, they just wait out the interruption and picks up the sale where they left off, but to be on the safe side, a short revision prior to recommencing the presentation is usually in order.
The only focus the seller should have during the selling process is to sell - nothing else.
2. Keep Control of the Call
If for whatever reason the prospect moves ahead of the seller with a question unrelated to what is being presented at the moment, the seller can get the presentation back on track by stating,
"I appreciate your comment, and I'll answer it in a minute, but at this point you're on page 10 of my presentation while I've only reached page 5 - please slow down and give me time to catch up."
. . . then smile with the last part of the sentence.
A statement of this nature will not anger nor offend the prospect. On the contrary, it will flatter the prospects ego, and also make the prospect feel he is much smarter than the average person you normally deal with. This in essence, is a very true-to-life way to maintain control.
3. Value Building
At every point of the selling process the seller needs to be constantly building value for and in the product or service on offer. Value building is generally the only way the seller can or will ever justify the price-tag. Moreover, the value building needs not only be constant, but also show and deliberate throughout the entire presentation - while at the same time aligning to the merits and potential of the product.
In summary; first, build the value; second, favourably compare the product; and thirdly, sell the product - sell it hard if need be - but sell.
4. The Buyer is Not a Statistic
Now I do not mean to be cruel here, but for far too long, I've been unfortunate enough to have seen far too many robotic presentations by inexperienced sellers and sales number crunchers, many of which have masqueraded as sales managers. Neither group have gotten anywhere near the reality of salesmanship is all about.
A depersonalised sales presentation makes out the prospect to be a number in a reservoir of other selling numbers, and other sales and prospect statistics. Over time, this depersonalised mental backwater perpetuated by the seller, quickly filters down through the office to the back-up staff. They too will then treat the customers as just another number (or even an imposition) and off-handedly give them second rate treatment and/or service. When this happens, you can bet that in time, both the prospect and the seller will be looking elsewhere.
5. Integrity Truth and Honour
I'd like a dollar for every time I'd heard someone tell me, that at the point of close,
"You look them straight in the eye and tell them anything , as long as it sounds good - the piercing eye contact makes it seem plausible and truthful."
That's cute, and sounds very macho, but all the professionals I know will tell you a truth is a million times stronger than a lie. But it doesn't stop there. The truth is the most powerful sales weapon known to man. Here are just some of the side benefits of telling and selling with the truth as a firm foundation:-
1. The truth will exert all the pressure the seller will ever need.
2. The seller can (if the situation warrants it) beat the prospect senseless with the truth - and if the prospect knows it's the truth, most times he will take the punishment.
3. In essence, the truth is the only 100% guaranteed closing weapon available to the seller. And if you want to close more sales, more often, you must learn to honour, respect and use only that which is truth - a stretched truth is precisely that - a stretch of the truth. That's the truth.
#SupersellerPresentationHints, #IntegrityTruthAndHonour, #DontGetSidetracked, #KeepControlOfTheCall, #BuyerNotAStatistic, #ValueBuilding, #Truth, #Honour, #ConfusedSelling, #Selling, #Sales, #PeterCollins, #PeterCollinsProfitMaker, #ProfitMakerSales, #SalesTips, #AdvancedSelling, #ThinkSelling, #DramaticHeadline, #ListenFirst, #SalesProcess, #Success, #SalesSuccess, #CreateLastingSales, #ClosingSales,
This Article is by Peter Collins - In a sales career spanning more than 50 years, Peter Collins has focused on helping and bringing out the best in others - whether it involves training or mentoring salespeople, managers, business consulting to SME’s. Since the 1970’s Peter has built a reputation as a Nationally and Internationally Published author, and of the 130 books he has written over the past 48 years, Peter has 65 Business Books to his credit, (but he is mainly known for one book based on the Audio Tape series of the same name, Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale). Peter also has written 23 Christian books. One of Peter's books sold almost 2 million copies in the late 1970's and is still selling well through second hand online marketers worldwide. In his personal life, Peter has been sought after as an encourager and motivator that has given of his time and talents freely despite his busy schedule. Subsequently, he has assisted churches, pastors, community and charity groups, as well as individuals through his teaching, training, development and on-going mentoring.
? Copyright Peter Collins, Profit Maker Sales, Sydney, Australia, 2002, 2007, 2011, 2015, all rights reserved.
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