Five Steps to Sparkle!
Hello Nonprofit Champions. I wrote a book for you.
The quick answer is this: I believe in nonprofits. I respect people that work in the sector. And I wanted to share my experience, what I have learned along the way.
You know, I started out writing about how to communicate better to raise more money and grow faster. And that's in there, you can read it in Sparkle!
But along the way, I realized something else.
Sadly, a lot of people aren't happy with their work life and a lot of organizations aren't happy places to be.
So, the book takes you on a 5 step journey that leads to success. It also will help you (no matter what position you have in your organization) create a happier place to work.
Snapshot: A Better Way To Make Nonprofits Work
You don’t need to work harder.
What you may need is a BETTER way to work and to make your nonprofit work better
A simple method that builds on what you already have. One that puts your mission front and center, while it creates opportunities for partnerships, and a growing donor base.?
All that and a happier, healthier workplace for you!
Sparkle! builds on what you already have.?
It inspires and prepares you to share the great work you are doing with the world. And it makes it possible for you to feel good while you are doing it.?
These are the 5 building blocks of an organization with Sparkle!...
Step 1: You’ve got places to go! Your journey begins with a clear vision. Discover the words to communicate that vision and you are ready to share them with the world. That’s a magic start, or restart, of your organization.
Step 2: If one person sharing your vision is good, imagine multiplying that by 10 or 100 or 1000! Beautiful, heartfelt, diverse voices, sharing the good news and the great need.?
Step 3: Stories are magical! When storytelling becomes part of your culture, that magic means happier, engaged employees and plenty of great news to share with the community.?
Step 4: Weaving a network of connections from many sectors puts you at the center of possibilities. Like a living database, it builds dynamic networks. That means opportunity for you and, ultimately, for those you serve.
Step 5: It’s the magical difference that makes your organization communicate better, raise more money, and grow faster. Plus, you’ll love going to work everyday!
Start where you are.?
You may be in a senior position as the Founder of your nonprofit, the Executive Director, or the Board Chair. Or maybe you’re a Director of Development, Marketing, or HR. Or you may be aspiring to one of those positions. Whichever it is, it’s the right place to begin looking ahead to a happy, growing organization, ready to take on the world.
PS Sparkle! is available now.
PPS It's a quick read, it is short and to the point. I'm not wasting your time. No fluff, just good usable information and ideas.