The Five Steps To Finding Love In 2022
Lily Walford
Most People Struggle to Find Real Love – I Help Women Date Smarter & Attract Emotionally Available Partners
Dating has changed so much over the last two decades and it's changed even more over the last two years due to lockdown where people have become more reliant on dating apps and sites on their quest to find undeniable love.
The problem is that society has changed so much where people find it easier to strike up a conversation online but when it comes to meeting someone in person or developing a long lasting relationship things quickily go south.
So how can you start to guarantee your success in love, especially if you are ready for a long lasting relationship?
Step One: Discovering Your Patterns
Growing up my dad loved talking about the common denominator. Back in the 90’s he was managing an employee at his old company who was stating that he was facing the same issues again and again no matter where he decided to go and work. My dad had asked him the question “Do you know what the common denominator is?”
If you have gone through the same type of relationships again and again, even when you thought you had met someone who was completely different! Then in a few weeks, months or years you start to see that this person has the same behaviours, personality and issues that all your other ex partners have had, then it’s important to understand what it is that’s drawing you to those types of partners because once you’ve realised the pattern then you have the awareness and the choice to stay out of it.?
So how do you start to peel back the layers that have caused you to relive the same type of relationships again and again and again? Well the starting point is understanding your childhood. Even if you enjoyed a healthy and happy childhood.?
You see, childhood is when we created the blueprint of who we are, how we should be treated, what we value and what we need to do in order to earn love and attention.
For example if you grew up being praised for doing the dishes, making dinner and making lots of cups of coffee then there's a huge chance that you find yourself struggling with boundaries at work, with friends and you probably find yourself in relationships where you feel taken for granted. (Keep your eyes out for our Relationship Archetype Quiz that's being released in 2022.)
The more you understand what your pattern is, the easier it will be to avoid the same type of relationships again and again.
Step Two: Compatibility
Meeting a compatible partner is the difference between a long lasting relationship and a short term fling!
When you meet someone, you want to ensure that they are aligned with you! It's a bit like jumping in a car with someone. You want to make sure you are heading to the same place, enjoying the same music and happy with the vehicle you've chosen to travel in.
Ready to learn what's important when it comes to compatibility? Then check out The Meet The One guide.
In that guide we share with you the six important areas that you need to be compatible on to ensure that you enjoy a long lasting relationship.
Step Three: Where To Meet The Right One
When you know the type of partner you want to meet, then it's important to know how to go and meet them. When I work with clients, we create a dating strategy that's personalised to them as sometimes some people date better online and some date better organically.
If you are looking to date online, then start to focus on what you want your ideal partner to love and understand about you as this is what's going to be important to get across in your profile.
If you are looking to date organically, then look through your compatibility matrix and see where you will meet this type of person. I often ask about what interests why clients would love to share with their ideal partner. For example, if you want someone who prioritises personal development then go to some personal development seminars to start to be around likeminded people.
Step Four: Who To Trust - Creating Trust & Intimacy
Trust is one of the scariest elements of a new relationship. We have seen scams and heard of people who ghost, cheat and lie but how do you know that you have met someone who you can trust?
In our Love With Intelligence Academy we share with you how to can read someone better than a polygraph machine, so you can fall in love with the truth instead of the potential.
By dating this way, you can avoid deceit, lies and heartbreak.
You can then give yourself to love more deeply in the right relationship.
Step Five: Creating A Healthy Relationship
During my research about healthy relationships, there have been four important areas that you need to nurture in your relationship. These are what I call the Four C's.
Communication - Let's face it, if you can openly communicate then you will struggle to have a healthy relationship. Ensure you meet someone who can be open and honest with you where no topic is off the table.
Consideration - Are they actively ensuring that you are considered and cared for. A healthy relationship can not be created by someone who is self centred.
Collaboration - Can you work well together as a couple and act as a team when it comes to building a healthy relationship together.
Compatibility - Are you compatible together to begin with.
Ready for a helping hand to meet the right one? Book a free 15min insights call so we can answer any burning questions you have about meeting the one- click here