Five States Net 60% of Homeland Security Innovation Awards
Massachusetts and California always rank high in SBIR/STTR funding. But with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding, it's not surprising to see Virginia and Maryland in the mix.
Texas is also a big innovator because of their long border with Mexico. Seeking to manage growing flows of migrants, the United States has dramatically expanded their engagement with migration origin and transit countries. This increasingly includes supporting the deployment of sophisticated technology to understand, monitor, and influence the movement of people across borders, expanding the spheres of interest to include the movement of people long before they reach Texas, Arizona and New Mexico borders.
Between 2019 and mid-2024, Massachusetts netted 15% of innovation funding. California was close behind at 14%. Texas ranked next a 12% followed by Virginia 11% and Maryland 10%. After that it drops to 5% with North Carolina. Not every state had wins within the 5.5 years of data analyzed. The tornado chart for wins is below.
DHS isn't a big funder, but I'm finding more interesting data in the smaller agencies and states. This is fun for me, I hope its useful for you! The downer is that DHS grant funding is a target for Project 2025, so we'll see about the long-term future. Short term though, go for it!
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