Five Secrets to Powerful Peer Learning
Founder/MD @ Power of Seven. Surrounding ambitious business owners with a personal advisory board of peers to help make better decisions in business & life.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. (Margaret Meade)
We have two choices, we can either travel our learning journey alone or we can travel and learn from and?with others. Here's what a Peer Coaching Circle group member says about learning in a group:
The benefits revolve around the people in the group and the deep bond and level of trust that has manifested itself. This has created the platform for sharing real experiences and knowledge in a remarkable way
Key words: Bond & trust.
Secret #1: Bond
noun:?a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together. To develop powerful peer learning we need a bond or agreement that sets out rules of engagement, confidentiality (see below), learning attitudes, learning methodologies, etc. So a bond or agreement that everyone signs up to is secret # 1.
Secret #2: Trust & Confidentiality
This is the glue that allows a group to be open & honest knowing that there's safety and that what get's said will be held within the group with 100% confidentially. At Peer Coaching Circles we use the tried and tested Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.
Every member upon joining a group signs an agreement to comply with this rule along with 10 rules of engagement. This agreement also specifies what happens in case of a breach of confidentiality: If?confidentiality is broken, trust is irrevocably severed. A breach of confidentiality is considered so serious that the offending person will be asked to leave the group unless s/he can explain their action(s) to the satisfaction of rest of the group and facilitator.
?Secret #3: Vulnerability
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
― Brené Brown
Creating a space where peers feel safe to be vulnerable is critical to deep sharing and learning. How do we do this at Peer Coaching Circles? We name it, discuss it, hold it as a quality theme for a meeting?occasionally. My job as facilitator is to model it and show vulnerability myself, this is the best way to bring it out in others.
Its learning from each others mistakes that makes it so valuable to me (PCC member)
Secret #4: Compassionate Challenge
"If a day goes by with being challenged it's not a good day for me" This is what a PCC member said to me?some time ago. He said "I love challenge, that's what I live for". Soon after I introduced a quality theme call 'compassionate challenge'. This encourages members to challenge each other with the single motive?to benefit the other person. This often manifests in asking challenging?questions or suggesting another perspective. If there is not a healthy balance between support and challenge then the best learning is not taking place.
Secret #5: Fun
This is sooo important. People learn best when their relaxed and enjoying themselves. Having fun together supports this. All our PCC groups have a great sense of humour. We strike a great balance between working hard and playing hard. We even have 'Fun' as one of our 10 rules of engagement!
This is how can your organisation can cultivate a winning culture, enjoy better communication, facilitate a healthier work/life balance, and achieve targets while maintaining quality. Peer Coaching Circles brings the power of the mastermind into your business, creating a forum for you and your peers to coach each other and solve your most challenging problems. Empower employees with the mindsets necessary for professional and personal growth.
Vist to see short video on how Peer Coaching Circles work.
Contact me?([email protected])?to find out more if you like this innovative methodology to increase employee engagement for better all round results.
Barry Walsh:?Founder of the Power of Seven. 19 years experience in helping business owners and their teams develop winning strategies for business growth. Barry’s facilitation style creates a space for shared learning that leads to action.?
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