The Five Rules of Successful Public Speaking
Samson Mung'athia
A world-class Inspirational and Motivational Keynote Speaker, Author, Trainer and Consultant skilled in Business, Leadership, Governance, Social Change and Innovation.
1.?????Prepare Beforehand
Just like the success of an elite athlete does not begin on the track in the day of competition, so it is for a great speaker. Your success as a public speaker is largely determined by your level of preparation. How well you have mastered the subject matter of your speech will determine how posed and confident you are in your delivery. Preparation helps you build confidence and master your content and delivery style. It also helps reduce nervousness and stage freight. Preparation is key for every talk or speech you will make, no matter how small or unimportant it is.
2.?????Be Authentic
“Fake it until you make it” is the worst advice you can take as a speaker. People want authentic and original people and not copycats and clowns. Most often beginning speakers think that they are not adequate enough and therefore tend to copy more established speakers who they consider experts. This is grossly wrong. Never ever copy anyone as your audience will realize it sooner than you could think.
By being authentic, you may not impress everybody; but no single speaker impresses everyone every time. Even the most established speakers know that they are not duty-bound to impress everyone. When you are authentic, people will gravitate towards you and create more meaningful bonds with you. Retain your authenticity.
3.?????Talk to One Person
One of the greatest causes of discomfort to speakers is how to address a crowd and make their message received and meaningful. Engage your listeners at a personal level by addressing them individually. Package, present and deliver your talk as if you are talking to your friend. Conversationalize and personalize your presentation.
4.?????Develop Content
Have something to say, no want wants to listen to boring irrelevant stories. Build your signature presentation. Develop content rich enough to add value to listeners. Remember, the only reason people will come to listen to you is because of the value you deliver to them. You are not an entertainer or a comedian out there to make fun, you are there to add value. Therefore, invest in yourself and build your capacity through continuous reading and assimilation of valuable contents and information.
5.?????Always Gather Feedback
After every speech or presentation, get as much feedback as possible. The feedback will enable you realize your points of weaknesses and improve on them. Although at times it may be hard to get unbiased feedback, always get as much as you can.